Breastfeeding Leave Substantiation

In recent months we have observed that the employer was requesting medical substantiation from some mothers wishing to take a breastfeeding leave. The practice of requesting medical documentation was not consistent and it created additional stressors on mothers juggling parental responsibilities while on leave. Local Union representatives questioned this substantiation requirement. They rightly pointed out the fact that:

  • Breastfeeding is widely recognized as essential for the health and development of children, with the Canadian government strongly recommending continuing breastfeeding until at least 24 months.
  • Requiring a specific substantiation provider puts additional pressure on mothers and creates unnecessary stress during an already challenging time for them.
  • These requests further strain our fragile healthcare system, where access to doctors and services is already limited.
  • During bargaining in 2015, the current Collective Agreement language in Articles 10.07 through 10.07.02 was added so that nursing mothers could transition from Parental Leave to Breastfeeding Leave without issue. We also negotiated their right to buy back pensionable service time. Gains were made for breastfeeding mothers at that time however this substantiation requirement seemed to be a step backwards.

We are pleased to say that due to the valiant efforts of our Local Officers that Air Canada Crew Productivity has agreed to remove the requirement for a mother to substantiate her breastfeeding leave with a doctor’s note. They will take a while to implement this and to adjust the eLeaves portal. If you have any questions or concerns about a breastfeeding leave request, please reach out to your Local Office.

In Solidarity,

Component Women’s Committee

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