days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CUPE Supports ALPA

With the potential strike/lock out on the horizon for the Air Canada Pilots, there are many ways, we as members and a union can show our support for our fellow colleges.  Please find below ways to send your support.

Union Members Letters of Support
ALPA Canada has created two form letters to send to your Member of Parliament – to encourage them to make sure that the Parties continue the hard work at the bargaining table and that the Government does not intervene/interfere with any action that strips workers of their constitutional rights – and to the Minister of Labour, Steve MacKinnon, requesting that he refrain from intervening in the collective bargaining process and allow for the continuation of free collective bargaining.

To send both letters, click here and follow the instructions.

Support on Picket Lines
Support on the picket line is incredibly powerful. Whether it is through asking questions, discussing issues with Air Canada pilots, expressions of support, bringing food and water, or even walking the line with Air Canada pilots when you are off work, your support is meaningful and impactful.

Social Media
You can spread the word and show your support by using social media by going to the Air Canada Component Facebook page and sharing the ‘I Stand with Air Canada Pilots’ graphic that is posted.

For more information on the Air Canada Pilots you can visit:

TW – @AirCanadaPilots
IG – @AirCanadaPilots
FB –

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