2021 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention

Delegate Representation at the 2021 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention

Airline Division Convention
November 21, 2021
CUPE National Convention
November 22 – 26, 2021


PLEASE NOTE: It has not yet been determined whether the convention will be held virtually or in person.  That decision will be made by CUPE National on August 24, 2021.

If it is an in-person convention, it will take place at the Vancouver Convention Centre in British Columbia, and registration will begin at 11:30 AM on Sunday, November 21st. If the convention cannot be held in person, a secure virtual platform will be used, and the convention hours will be adjusted to accommodate participation by members from across our five time zones.

Air Canada Component Delegate Representation
Delegate representation at the Airline Division Convention and the CUPE Convention shall be in accordance with the CUPE Constitution. The number of delegates* for the Air Canada Component is as follows:

Local 4091 – YUL Local President + 2 delegates 3
Local 4092 – YYZ Local President + Component Vice President + Component Secretary-Treasurer + 2 delegates 5
Local 4094 – YVR Local President + 3 delegates 4
Local 4095 – YYC Local President + 1 delegate 2
Local 4098 – Rouge Local President 1


* Each Local may also elect one alternate delegate.  An alternate delegate shall only be permitted on the floor of the Convention while replacing a delegate from the same chartered organization and while in possession of that delegate’s badge.

Interested in Being a Delegate?
You must collect signatures on the Delegate Nomination Paper in the Delegate package. Members wishing to be nominated must have 50 signatures or 5% of the ‘Local’ eligible voters, whichever is the lesser (see below for 5% requirements).

Local Minimum signatures required
4091 – YUL 23 signatures
4092 – YYZ 50 signatures
4094 – YVR 32 signatures
4095 – YYC 6 signatures
4098 – Rouge 3 signatures

* IMPORTANT: Due to the current COVID-19 Pandemic, and on an exceptional basis, the Component Tabulating Committee will accept electronic signatures on delegate nomination forms for the 2021 Airline Division Convention and CUPE National Convention.  An electronic signature must be the member’s actual signature and not simply the member’s name typed onto the nomination form. This will allow for members not actively in the workplace to nominate a candidate for a delegate position. The nomination form must be filled out in its entirety by the candidate, signed off and dated prior to scanning for electronically received signatures. We are doing this to ensure all members have an opportunity to run, as well as ensure all members have an opportunity to collect signatures, with the COVID pandemic in place, many of you are not able to access your work sites or Union offices due to not having a RAIC.

If more Delegates apply than there are positions, an election will take place. You can download a detailed package, which includes nomination papers, from the Component website: or by clicking HERE. If you have any questions, please email

ORIGINAL signed delegate nomination papers must be received by the Component Tabulating Chairperson at 25 Belfield Road, Etobicoke, ON, M9W 1E8, no later than 16:00 EDT on August 25, 2021. Candidates must complete each Nomination Sheet in its entirety.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Tabulating Committee

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