days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

20th Anniversary of September 11, 2001

On the 20th anniversary of a momentous time in the airline industry we believe that it is crucial to reflect on this day and the profound impact it has had on so many. There were families who lost loves ones and this horrific act caused us to be faced with a very harsh reality.  The impact of this day lives on in us all.  We must remember that complacency is not our friend and that our vigilance will always be required. The job of flight attendant is one in which we wear many hats.  It is an honourable profession and one which bears the weight of many inflight challenges. We are all a little wiser with each passing day and honour those that have come before.

We are certain that those of you who were old enough to remember, can remember exactly where you were and what you were doing on that day.  It is our belief that on this anniversary we can take time to remember and to hug those close to us a little tighter and to vow to never forget those who sacrificed so much and lost so much on that day.

In solidarity,


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