days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-17-92 – Failure to Implement – Minutes of Settlement (RE CHQ-16-96 Reserve MMG Reduction)

SUBJECT: Failure to Implement – Minutes of Settlement (Re: CHQ-16-96, Reserve MMG Reduction)
DEPARTMENT:  Mr. Michael McCrory, Director, Air Canada Labour Relations – IFS
The Union claims that Air Canada violated the Collective Agreement.  Specifically, Air Canada has failed to honour the Minutes of Settlement of Arbitrator William Kaplan, dated March 14th, 2017 by failing to make payment to affected employees in a reasonable and timely fashion.
We submit this grievance under articles/clauses 3,, B8.12, the Minutes of Settlement of Arbitrator William Kaplan dated March 14th, 2017, all other pertinent sections of the Collective Agreement, and any other relevant legislation, act, or statute.

  • Air Canada abide by the Collective Agreement and the Minutes of Settlement dated March 14th, 2017;
  • Air Canada pay all affected employees by January 1st, 2018;
  • Air Canada pay interest of 15% to all affected employees by January 1st, 2018;
  • Air Canada pay damages to the Union/and or employees as deemed appropriate;
  • Air Canada provide any other redress deemed appropriate.

We request a hearing within the contractual time limits and that the Company provide all documentation relied upon in this matter.
Name of Union Officer Originating Grievance: Marie-Hélène Major, President, Air Canada Component of CUPE
Date: December 1, 2017

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