days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

ARTICLE 6 – Flight Time Credits





6.01              GENERAL ‑ The credits indicated in this Article shall, unless other­wise specified, be applied towards flight time limitations.


6.02              CREDIT CALCULATION ‑ The credits indicated in Article 6 shall be calculated to the nearest minute as follows:


6.02.01       Block to block flight time – The greater of the schedule or actual block to block flight time on the aircraft operated.  Where there is no published schedule in effect for the equipment flown, then the actual block to block flight time shall be used.


6.02.02       The duty period guarantee and the trip hour guarantee shall be credited towards flight time limitations as an extension of the last portion of the final flight leg operated/deadheaded in the duty period or trip.


NOTE:       These guarantees will be paid at the rate in effect on the last leg of the final flight actually operated.


6.02.03       Where a deadhead is involved, the actual deadhead time shall be included in the calculation of both the duty period guarantee and the trip hour guarantee.


Where a duty period or trip originates or terminates with a deadhead, deadhead time shall be calculated as follows:


Originates with deadhead:       At Home Base: Thirty (30) minutes prior to scheduled departure of designated deadhead flight.


Not at Home Base:       Scheduled depar­ture of designated deadhead flight.


Terminates with deadhead:      Actual arrival of designated deadhead flight or next available if unable to deadhead on designated flight.


6.02.04       Training Sessions ‑ A training session for the purpose of calculating training credits, will commence at the scheduled reporting time, and terminate at the actual time released from that specific training session.




6.03.01       Flight Time Credits ‑ An employee shall receive flight time credits for all block to block flight time worked as a member of a designated crew as outlined in Article 6.02.01.


6.03.02       Duty Period Guarantee ‑ An employee shall receive a credit of one‑half (½) of the actual time involved in any duty period with a minimum duty period guarantee of four (4) hours.


6.03.03       Trip Hour Guarantee ‑ An employee on a legal layover away from home base shall receive a trip hour guarantee calculated from the actual commencement of the initial duty period at home base to the actual termination of the last duty period at home base prior to a legal rest period as follows: General ‑ The trip hour guarantee shall be one (1) hour flight time credit for each four (4) hours of the total trip time prorated.   DC9, B727, A319, A320, A321, B737, CL65 Aircraft – Where the total trip time is forty-eight (48) hours or more on DC9, B727, A320, A319, A321, B737 or CL65 aircraft, the trip hour guarantee shall be one (1) hour flight time credit for each three hours and thirty minutes (3:30) prorated.


NOTE: Where any of the operational flight time in a mixed  aircraft pairing is DC9, B727, A319, A320, A321, B737  or CL65, the above trip hour guarantee will apply.


6.03.04       Deadhead Credits ‑ An employee involved in an operational deadhead shall be credited with the greater of one‑half (½) of the actual or scheduled flight time between the originating and terminating deadhead points.  Where an employee is required to deadhead by surface transportation, s/he shall be credited with one‑half (½) of the actual deadhead time involved.


NOTE:       In‑Charge employees involved with the operation of a ferry flight as a designated working crew member, shall receive flight time credits for all block to block flight time worked.


6.03.05       Reserve Airport Standby Credit ‑ Where a Reserve Blockholder is required by the Company to report to the airport for a pairing or to stand by for possible flight coverage,



 s/he shall receive a flight time credit of four (4) hours if



s/he does not operate a flight.


Where a Reserve Blockholder is assigned to operate a flight, the duty period shall commence at the airport standby report time.


6.03.06       Where a Regular Blockholder is drafted on a regular or guaran­teed day off and reports to the airport for flight duty, s/he will be credited with one‑half (½) the duty time involved or a minimum guarantee of four (4) hours, even if no actual flying time results.  The greater of such credits shall be applicable.


6.03.07       General ‑ Where two (2) or more credits are involved, the greater of such credits shall be applicable.


6.04              TRAINING CREDITS ‑       Where an employee is required to report for training, s/he shall be credited as follows:





6.04.01       Scheduled Days Off ‑ Where the training is only on scheduled days off, s/he shall be paid at one‑half (½) of his/her hourly rate of pay with a with a minimum guaran­teed entitlement of one (1) hour. Such credits are not applied to flight time limitations.


6.04.02       Scheduled Duty Days ‑ Where the training is only on scheduled duty days, the credits are as follows:       Regular Blockholders ‑ Scheduled block credits missed. Reserve BlockholdersS/he shall be paid at one-half (½) of his/her hourly rate of pay with a minimum guarantee of four (4) hours.


A credit of two hours and thirty‑f
ive minutes (2:35) per day will be applied towards flight time limitations.   Reserve Blockholders shall not be required to operate a flight after training.


6.04.03       Combined Days Off and Duty Days ‑ Where the training covers both scheduled days off and scheduled duty days, the  credits/pay will be the total of credits/pay applicable to the scheduled days off and scheduled duty days.  Credits earned on days off are not applied to flight time limitations.


NOTE:       Where training for the purposes of upgrading in classi­fication (e.g. Flight Service Director ‑ Purser) covers both scheduled days off and scheduled duty days, the employee will be credited on the basis of the scheduled duty days involved as above.


6.04.04       Recurrent Safety Training ‑ For the purpose of calculating total credits for recurrent safety training, the lunch period normally provided will be included in the total hours.  Payment of credits will be in accordance with Article 5.10 ‑ Ground Duties ‑ Days Off Only.



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