days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

ARTICLE 8 – Vacation and Statutory Holiday Periods


8.01              VACATION YEAR ‑ The vacation year shall commence on May         1st  in any year and terminate on April 30th in the subsequent year.

8.02              VACATION PERIODS ‑ An employee shall be entitled to vacation periods as follows:

8.02.01       Entitlement ‑ The vacation period entitlement shall be applic­able in accordance with completed years of continuous Company service prior to April 30th each year.


Less than 1 complete year

1 complete year or more
3 complete years or more
10 complete years or more
15 complete years or more
28 complete years or more


1 day per full calendar month
14 consecutive calendar days
21 consecutive calendar days
28 consecutive calendar days
35 consecutive calendar days
42 consecutive calendar days

  1 – 4 years
  5 – 14 years
15 – 24 years
25 or more years


14 consecutive calendar days
21 consecutive calendar days
28 consecutive calendar days
35 consecutive calendar days

8.02.02       Proration ‑ The applicable vacation period entitlement shall be prorated for a part year of service in accordance with Company Regulations except that no vacation proration will be made for:

‑ Maternity leave and/or child care leave.
‑ Workers’ Compensation leave.
‑ Leave while on the Airline Division of CUPE short term Wage Indemnity Program up to one (1) year.

8.03              STATUTORY HOLIDAY PERIODS ‑ An employee shall accumulate one (1) and four tenths (1.4) calendar day in lieu of each statutory holiday in any vacation year.  Where the employee is off the payroll for fifteen (15) or more days during the thirty (30) days immediately preceding a statutory holiday, s/he shall not be credited with that holiday.

The statutory holidays are defined as:
New Year’s Day                        Labour Day
Good Friday                     Thanksgiving Day
Victoria Day                     Remembrance Day
Canada Day                     Christmas Day
Boxing Day

8.04              Vacation and statutory holiday periods are not cumulative and must be taken during the vacation year following that in which the entitlement was earned.

8.05              VACATION SPLITS ‑ Vacation and statutory holiday periods must be taken as follows:

8.05.01       Where the total entitlement is twenty‑five (25) calendar days or less, they must be taken in consecutive calendar days.

      1. Entitlement ‑ Where the total entitlement is twenty‑six (26) calendar days or more, Cabin Personnel will have the option to

      take the total entitlement in consecutive calendar days or split them  
      as follows:






Options For Split






21/12 or 18/15
28/12 or 21/19
35/12 or 28/19 or 24/23
42/12 or 35/19 or 28/26

                               NOTE:         See Article 8.03 for statutory holiday accumulation.

8.05.03       Reduced Entitlement ‑ Where the employee’s total entitlement is reduced due to leaves of absence without pay or any other reason and the employee elects to split his/her entitlement, the days will be deducted from the shorter period of the split.

8.06              BID AWARD PROCEDURES ‑ Vacation and statutory holiday periods shall be awarded in accordance with seniority consistent with the require­ments of the service as follows:

NOTE:       The Company will attempt to provide vacations in all classi­fications throughout the year at all Bases.  It is recognized between the parties that there will be occasions where, due to operational requirements, it will not be possible to provide for such vacation periods at any or all particular Bases.

8.06.01       Vacation List ‑ Prior to February 1st, the Company shall post lists indicating the total vacation and statutory holiday periods available during the following vacation year in the classifications of In‑Charge and Flight Attendant.  Vacation periods will commence on a Saturday as designated by the Company.

8.06.02       Initial Bid ‑ Prior to February 15th, Cabin Personnel must submit their bids indicating their preference for splits, if eligible, and the vacation periods desired.

8.06.03       Initial Award ‑ Vacation periods will be awarded on the basis of valid bids and published.

NOTE:       Cabin Personnel who fail to bid or submit invalid bids in the initial bid will not be assigned to any vacancies but will be required to bid for their total entitlement in the second bid. In the event the vacation periods bid by the employee are not available, the employee may identify the minimum number of seven (7) day period(s) that will be acceptable. The balance of the vacation that could not be accommodated in the initial award will be carried over to the second award. Where the employees’ total entitlement does not permit a split, does not apply.

8.06.04       Second Bid ‑ Vacancies remaining after the initial awards will be posted by March 1st for a second bid by those Cabin Personnel who were eligible to and elected to split their total entitlement.  Bids must be submitted prior to March 15th.

8.06.05       Second Award ‑ Vacancies will be awarded and published by March 22nd.

NOTE:       Cabin Personnel who fail to bid or submit invalid bids in the second award will be assigned to any remaining vacancies in accordance with the requirements of the service.

8.06.06       General: Employees who transfer from one Base to another or employees who are hired or return from a long term leave of absence or change classifications during a vacation year and were not awarded a vacation period during the award procedure at that Base, shall be assigned to any vacancies in accordance with the requirements of the service and their seniority.  In the case of a transfer, such employees may submit a bid for the initial and second award of vacation periods at the new Base provided that the transfer will take place prior to or during the May block month.

8.07              JOINT VACATION AWARD ‑ Where two (2) employees desire the same vacation or statutory holiday period, they must so indicate in their bid.

8.07.01       Where two (2) employees in the same classification bid together, the seniority of the junior shall govern the award.
Where a joint award cannot be made, individual awards will be made in reverse order of seniority.

8.07.02       Where two (2) employees in different classifications bid together, the seniority of the lower classification only may be relinquished.

Where a joint award cannot be made, individual awards will be made in accordance with seniority.

8.08                        ALTERATION

8.08.01       Vacation and statutory holiday periods once awarded may only be altered by an employee with the concurrence of both the Company and any Cabin Personnel affected by such alteration.

8.08.02       Vacation and statutory holiday periods once awarded may only be altered by the Company with the concurrence of the employee concerned.

8.08.03       Vacation and statutory holiday periods will not be altered by the Company except in the case of a national/provincial emergency.

8.08.04       Notwithstanding the provisions of Articles 8.08.01 and 8.08.02, when an employee’s vacation award falls while s/he is receiving the Airline Division of CUPE Wage Indemnity, the employee may take vacations as awarded, in which case s/he will be placed back on the payroll or alternatively, the employee may take vacation with pay at the conclusion of his/her disability prior to return to work or at a time mutually agreed to with the Company.

8.09              CREDITS ‑ During vacation and statutory holiday periods, an employee shall be credited as follows:

8.09.01       Regular Blockholders ‑ Scheduled block credits missed from midnight start date to midnight termination date.

8.09.01       Regular BlockholdersA credit of 2:55 (two hours and fifty-five minutes) per day of vacation taken and for each statutory holiday.

8.09.02       Reserve Blockholders ‑ The greater of the Minimum Monthly Guarantee or the average flight pay during the preceding three (3) month period.

8.09.02       Reserve BlockholdersA credit of 2:55 (two hours and fifty-five minutes) per day of vacation taken and for each statutory holiday.

A credit of two hours and thirty‑five minutes (2:35) per day shall be applied towards flight time limitations


 except as specified in Articles 8.10 and B4.01.04.

8.10.01       SLIDE ‑ An employee may subject to the approval of the Company slide his/her vacation or statutory holiday periods either forward or backward in order to operate a complete round trip in his/her block. This may include backward vacation slides in situations where vacations commence in the current month and overlap into a new block month. Block to block slides cannot conflict with flights/pairings in the current block month. Reserve to block slides under this article will not interfere with working days and will not attract credits towards flight time limitations.

Such approval will be granted only to avoid loss of flight time credits and will not be granted where the effect is merely to increase days off.

Effective with the September 2003 block month and until the earlier of the implementation date for PBS or the block month of January, 2005. If an employee does not elect to slide his/her vacation or statutory holiday period s/he will not be awarded a block where flights overlap into his/her vacation or statutory holiday period.

8.11              GENERAL ‑ In the event the vacation entitlement of any major group within the Company is increased, this entitlement will be extended to Cabin Personnel on the same basis.


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