days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#2 – Bilingual Block Positions




L2.01                PREAMBLE:  It has been agreed to implement bilingual block positions at all Bases and a system of training in the official languages to enable bilingual coverage to be provided.  This will eliminate domestic split crews where these are caused to ensure bilingual coverage.


L2.02                BILINGUAL COVERAGE REQUIREMENTS:  Bilingual coverage may be provided up to the following maxima:


L2.02.01        Cabin crews on internal Quebec routes and cabin crews originating, terminating or transiting at a point in the Province of Quebec then direct to or from Continental Europe, South and Florida – 100% bilingual requirement.  In addition, cabin crews on routes between Ottawa and points in the Province of Quebec other than Montreal – 100% bilingual requirement.


L2.02.02        Cabin crews originating, terminating or transiting at a point in the Province of Quebec or Ottawa including flights originating Montreal or at a point in the Province of Quebec through Toronto to South and Florida:


B747                –                                                        6

L1011                –                                                4

B767                –                                                        3

B727/A320/DC9            –                                    2


L2.02.03    Cabin crews on all other flights:


A330/A340                                                B747/B767/L1011                        –                        2                                                           

B737/A319/A321                        B727/A320/DC9                        –                        1                       



L2.02.04        On overseas flights not subject to the 100% bilingual requirement, there will be a minimum number of Flight Attendant positions with no bilingual or other language requirements as follows:


Where the crew is five (5) or less – one (1) position.

Where the crew is more than five (5) – two (2) positions.


L2.02.05        It is recognized that the bilingual coverage requirements may be subject to periodic adjustments as demand warrants.


L2.03                DESIGNATED BILINGUAL BLOCK POSITIONS:  Bilingual block positions may be designated on regular or supplemental blocks at each Base in accordance with the bilingual coverage requirements up to a maximum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the qualified bilingual Cabin Personnel at that Base.


L2.03.01        Block Award:  The designated bilingual block position(s) will be awarded in accordance with seniority to bilingual Cabin Personnel through the normal block award procedure.



L2.03.02        Assignment:  Where the bilingual requirement is not met through the block award procedure, the bilingual positions will be assigned in reverse order of seniority to bilingual Cabin Personnel subject to classification requirements.


L2.03.03        Transfer Procedure:  Up to a maximum of seventy-five percent (75%) of the vacancies within the Flight Attendant classification at each Base may be designated as bilingual vacancies.


L2.03.03.01 Only bilingual Flight Attendants may transfer to a bilingual vacancy.


L2.03.03.02        Any Flight Attendant may transfer to any other vacancy.



L2.03.03.03 Bilingual Flight Attendants may transfer when they can be released from their present Base.


L2.04                BILINGUAL QUALIFICATIONS:  All Cabin Personnel now qualified or desiring to become qualified shall be tested by the Company in both official languages to ascertain their level of bilingual capability and shall be retested at the following intervals:


Level III – Every two (2) years


NOTE:        The Company would not normally retest the language capability of an employee’s principal language or of an employee whose language capability is rated Level IV and above.


L2.04.01            The levels of bilingual capability are as follows:


Level I                    –          The ability to use a limited number of words or expressions in the second language.


Level II                    –          The ability to express basic thoughts using simple struc
tures and a limited vocabulary without the

ability to communicate effectively in the second language.


Level III          –          The level of proficiency in both official languages sufficient to provide usual en route Cabin Services.


Level IV

      and above                    –          The ability to express thoughts in a fluent manner.


L2.04.02        All Cabin Personnel who have attained Level III shall be eligible to be awarded bilingual block positions.


L2.04.03        Training:  Cabin Personnel will be provided with an opportunity to take language training to enable them to attain Level III as follows:



L2.04.03.01        To Attain Level I and/or Level II


Language training will be on the employee’s own time and at Company expense.  Approved courses and facilities geared to individual requirements at each Base will be provided.


NOTE:        Cabin Personnel with working conditions that may preclude a planned course of study will be provided with additional time off as follows:


For four (4) months from the commencement of the training for each level:


Each month with twelve (12) days off or less – two (2) extra days off.


Each month with thirteen (13) days off – one (1) extra day off.


Language training will be scheduled on these extra days off.




L2.04.03.02        From Level II to Level III


Language training will be provided in accordance with the training guidelines including the immersion course if necessary.  The total “immersion” course will be provided on Company time and at Company expense.  Any employee who fails to attain Level III on his/her first attempt shall be provided with a prescribed course of study in accordance with the training guidelines, including the immersion course if necessary.


An immersion course will be of approximately three (3) weeks duration in a French speaking environment.


L2.04.04        Refresher Training:  Where Cabin Personnel who have attained Level III are evaluated at a lower level on a retest, the following shall be applicable:


A prescribed course of study will be provided in accordance with the training guidelines.


NOTE:        Cabin Personnel who on a retest are evaluated at Level II may be awarded a bilingual block position in the subsequent month only, during which time they may re-qualify to Level III.


L2.04.05        General:  Immersion courses will be restricted to a maximum of two (2) per employee.



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