days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#4 – Crew Rest Area – B-747 Aircraft




L4.01                In accordance with the following conditions, a crew rest area will be designated on board the B747 aircraft which will ensure a degree of privacy.


L4.02                Three (3) economy revenue seats will be established on a guaranteed basis as the designated crew rest area on all flight segments of five (5) hours duration and over.


L4.03                On flight segments of less than five (5) hours duration, three (3) economy revenue seats will be retained as a crew rest area – the designated economy seats will be made available to revenue passengers or contingent passholders only after all other first class and economy seats have been filled.


L4.04                From time to time, crew rest area seat numbers will be changed as a result of changes to aircraft configuration or sales and service requirements.  Such changes will be made in consultation with the Union.


When economy seats are designated as crew rest areas, such seats will be at exit doors L2 or L4 unless otherwise agreed to by the parties.


L4.05                The Company further will discuss with the Union the necessity for the provision of the seats and priorities identified in L4.02 as a crew rest area on flight segments under five (5) hours duration either where a long duty period is involved or where multiple flight segments are scheduled within a duty period.


L4.06.01        All seats referred to above, whether guaranteed seats or seats to be assigned last, will be identified in the Company Display Reference Information CIC 850.


L4.06.02        Further to the agreement reached in reference to Union proposal U.73, the Company agrees to provide the Union with a letter which will confirm all current arrangements for crew rest areas for the B-747 and L-1011 aircraft.


L4.06.03        These arrangements will also be identified in the Company Display Reference Information (CIC).


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