days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#7 – Dorval-Mirabel Co-Terminal Operations




L7.01              PREAMBLE:  It has been agreed that the Mirabel and Dorval Airports will be operated on a co‑terminal basis.  That is, the two airports will be considered as one and all rules and agreements currently in effect in the CUPE/Air Canada Agreement, including the Block Rules, will apply under this concept unless otherwise specified in this Letter of Understanding.


L7.02              BLOCKS:  Regular, supplemental and reserve blocks will be prepared and administered from the Crew Resource Centre.


L7.02.01       Regular Blocks:  To the degree possible, and consistent with normal blocking principles, flights originating/terminating or transiting the Mirabel Airport will be blocked separately.  Domestic and/or southern flights may be used as “fillers” to ensure maximum block hours.


L7.02.02       Supplemental Blocks:  Supplemental blocks shall be constructed from any available open flights after the block award in accordance with Article B2.08 of the Block Rules.


L7.02.03       Reserve Blocks:  Reserve blocks will be constructed in accordance with Article B2.07 and shall be common between the two airports.


L7.02.04       Crew Call:  Normal crew call for Mirabel Airport departures will be three (3) hours.


L7.03              BIDDING & AWARDING: Bidding and awarding of blocks shall be administered at the Crew Resource Centre and shall be subject only to Article B4 ‑ Bidding & Awarding.


L7.04              REST PERIODS: Any employee arriving at Dorval and departing from Mirabel, or vice‑versa, shall have a minimum legal rest period of not less than ten (10) hours even if layover hotel is considered at or near the airport.


L7.05              REASSIGNMENT: The provisions of Article B6.03 ‑ Reassignment, will apply except that Cabin Personnel holding blocks containing primar­ily Mirabel flights will be reassigned to Mirabel flights as a first preference and Cabin Personnel holding blocks containing primarily Dorval flights will be reassigned to Dorval flights as a first preference.  Where this is not possible, they will be reassigned to flights originating at either airport in accordance with Article B6.03 ‑ Reassignment.


L7.06              OPEN FLYING: Cabin Personnel will be permitted to bid open flying departing from their Mirabel or Dorval Airport subject only to the provisions of Article B7 ‑ Open Flying.


L7.07              DRAFT: Cabin Personnel will be subject to the draft procedures outlined in Article B9 ‑ Draft, for flights departing from either Mirabel or Dorval Airport.


L7.08              TRIP EXCHANGES: Cabin Personnel will be subject only to the conditions outlined in Article B12 ‑ Trip Exchanges.


L7.09              DUTY PERIOD LIMITATIONS: Where an employee’s duty period originates at one airport and terminates at another within the co‑ terminal concept of Dorval and Mirabel, the duty period limitations will be as follows:


L7.09.01       Maximum Scheduled Duty Period: A duty period will not be scheduled to exceed twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) domestic flights or thirteen hours and thirty minutes (13:30) overseas flights, exclusive of any ground travel time required between the co‑terminals on completion of a trip or trip sequence.


L7.09.02       Scheduled Deadhead to Home Base: A duty period may be scheduled for up to fourteen hours and thirty minutes (14:30) domestic flights or fifteen hours and thirty minutes (15:30) overseas flights, only to complete a deadhead to Home Base provided the flight duty time was scheduled within thirteen (13) hours domestic or fourteen (14) hours overseas.  Home Base in this context is defined as either Dorval or Mirabel Airport.


L7.09.03       Absolute Maximum Duty Period: Where a duty period is projected to exceed twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) domestic or thirteen hours and thirty minutes (13:30) over­seas,

exclusive of any ground travel time required between the co‑terminals on completion of a trip or trip sequence, an employee will not be required to remain on duty in excess of twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) domestic or thirteen hours and thirty minutes (13:30) overseas.  If the actual arrival time at either of the co‑terminals is after twelve hours and thirty minutes (12:30) domestic or thirteen hours and thirty minutes (13:30) overseas, s/he will be released from duty.


L7.10              FLIGHT TIME CREDITS: Where an employee’s flight sequence originates at one airport and terminates at another within the co‑ terminals or where an employee’s duty day involves a departure and arrival at both airports, s/he will be paid as follows:


L7.10.01       Flight Sequence Termination: Where a flight sequence originates at one airport and terminates at another within the co‑terminals, the duty day will be extended by a maximum of thirty (30) minutes where the employee is required to return to the airport where the flight sequence originated.


L7.10.02       Deadhead Between Co‑Terminals: Where an employee is required, during the course of a duty day, to travel from one terminal to the other, s/he will be credited fifteen (15) minutes dead­head time for pay and limitation purposes for each such dead­head.


L7.11              CREDIT CALCULATION: Where an employee is subject to the conditions outlined in L7.10, the provisions of Article 6.02 ‑ Credit Calcula­tion and Article 6.03 ‑ Flight Time Credits and Guarantees will apply.


L7.12              CLAIM FOR FLIGHT TIME CREDITS: Where an employee under L7.10.01 ‑ Flight Sequence Termination is required to return to his/her airport of origination, s/he will be required to claim credits if applicable.  Where an employee is not required to return to his/her airport of origination, no credits under L7.10.01 will be applicable.


NOTE:       Cause for an employee being required to return to his/her

airport of origination is defined as being required to return to pick

up the employee’s automobile or being required by the Company to

return to the originating airport.


L7.13     &nbsp
;        STANDBY RESERVE: Where a Reserve Blockholder is required to report to an airport for possible flight coverage and is subsequently required to report to another airport within the co‑terminals, his/her duty period will commence from the report time at the original airport and the provisions of L7.09 will apply.


NOTE:       Where the employee is not assigned to a flight within three hours and thirty minutes (3:30) of his/her report time at the original airport, s/he will be released from further standby duty in accordance with Article B8.20 and shall be credited with two (2) hours for pay and limitations.


L7.14              TRANSPORTATION: Where an employee’s trip sequence or duty period involves both airports of the co‑terminal, transportation will be provided as follows:


L7.14.01       Layover:  Where an employee terminates a duty period at one airport and originates a duty period at another airport of the co‑terminals, current transportation policies from the airport to the hotel and back will apply.

L7.14.02       During the Same Duty Period: An employee who is required to deadhead from one airport to another within the co‑terminals during a single duty period will be provided with expeditious transportation.


L7.14.03       Termination of Duty Period:  An employee who terminates his/her duty period or trip sequence at an airport other than his/her airport of origination in the co‑terminal will be provided with transportation to the originating airport as follows:


L7.14.03.01 Required to Return to Originating Airport:  An employee who is required to return to his/her airport of origination as outlined in L7.12 NOTE will be provided with public transportation.


L7.14.03.02 Waiting Period:  Where the Company is unable to provide public transportation within forty‑five (45) minutes after flight arrival, the employee will be provided with special limousine service to return him to the originat­ing airport as required in L7.12 NOTE.




L7.15.01       An employee whose duty period originates or terminates at Mirabel and who requires public transportation will be issued with a transportation voucher on request.  The vouchers will be valid for use on the public transportation companies serv­ing Mirabel from Dorval, downtown Montreal and Laval.  Employ­ees using these vouchers will not be entitled to transporta­tion allowances as specified under Article 7.01.01.


L7.15.02       Employees using forms of transportation other than those specified under Article L7.15.01 will be entitled to an allowance of $2.00 per one‑way trip.


L7.15.03.01 In the event the Company establishes a separate Base at Mirabel during the term of the current Collective

Agreement, the Company and the Union will negotiate the implementation of the established relocation allowance. This relocation allowance will be applicable to employees from Dorval Base who will relocate themselves within the specified radius of the Mirabel Airport after the implementation of that relocation allowance.


L7.15.03.02 This relocation allowance will take effect only at the termination of this Collective Agreement or the opening of a separate Base at Mirabel, whichever occurs later, unless mutually agreed to otherwise by the Company and the Union.


L7.15.03.03 Transportation allowances in effect under L7.15.01 and L7.15.02 will cease to apply in the event the relocation allowance is implemented.


L7.16              ADMINISTRATION: For the purposes of routine day‑to‑day administration and supervision, the Dorval Base office will be considered the administrative office.


L7.17              GENERAL: Both the Company and the Union will commence joint discussion on those aspects of the co‑terminal operation which pertain to the provision of the current Agreement and the Block Rules three (3) months prior to any major changes in the method of operations.


L7.18              The Company reserves the full right to change the method of operation from that of a co‑terminal Base, as constituted in this Letter of Understanding, to a separate Mirabel Base at any time.  Prior to making such change to the method of operation from that of a co‑terminal Base, the Company will have joint consultation with the Union at least six (6) months prior to the implementation of any such change.  Should Letter of  Understanding 7 be cancelled during the term of this Agreement, all provisions of this Letter will cease to apply with the exception of L7.15.01 and L7.15.02 which will continue to remain in force until the expiration of this Agreement.




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