days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#18 – Long Range Flying




L18.01            The provisions of this Letter of Understanding shall be renewable with the Collective Agreement;


L18.02            This Letter of Understanding is agreed to under B14.01.02.


L18.03             Basic Operations


L18.03.01            The scheduled duty period limitation will be sixteen hours and fifteen (16:15) minutes;


L18.03.02            On board crew rest will be three hours and thirty (3:30) minutes per operating employee when the scheduled duty day is fifteen (15) hours or more and a minimum two (2) hours for scheduled duty days of fourteen hours and fifty-nine (14:59) minutes or less applicable to flights listed in L18.02;


L18.03.03            The Company will provide the approved crew rest unit for use on these flights;


L18.03.04            There will be a scheduled twenty-four (24) hour crew rest at layover stations;


L18.03.05            There will be a minimum eighteen (18) hour crew rest at layover stations;


L18.03.06            Legal crew rest period for Regular Blockholders, upon return to Home Base, will be a minimum thirty-six (36) hours..


L18.03.07            Legal crew rest for Reserve Blockholders, upon return to Home Base, will be seventy-two (72) hours. Days off, when flown into, will commence twelve (12) hours after the termination of the last duty period;


L18.03.08            The minimum blocked crew complement on an A340 will be twelve (12) and on a B747 will be fourteen (14);


L18.03.09            Sleepwear will be provided for each operating employee;


L18.03.10            A curtain will be installed around the washroom adjacent to the crew rest unit which may be used by the operating employees for the purposes of changing into sleepwear after which the washroom will be returned for general customer use;


L18.03.11            The onboard crew rest unit will contain a clean sheet, pillow, and blanket for each operating employee;


L18.03.12            The Company will have a backup crew rest unit for these flights;


L18.04            In the event of a crew rest unit failure prior to departure, the following will apply:



L18.04.01            There will be a minimum of four (4) J class seats reserved for onboard crew rest. The Company will provide a fifth J class seat if required and if there is no customer impact. However, if the Company is unable to provide this seat, the Company will provide a row of four (4) Economy seats as a crew bunk. Operating employees will be entitled to sleep in these seats in accordance with L18.03.02. The Company shall confirm to the Union, in writing, the specific seat numbers for each aircraft type;


L18.04.02            As a result of L18.04, each operating employee will be given three (3) days of additional vacation to be taken in the following vacation year in conjunction with regular vacation;


L18.04.03            In the event the Company elects to avoid customer impact by slipping the cabin crew via a Tech Stop of this aircraft, the provisions of this Letter of Understanding will not apply. Regular Blockholders affected will receive full pay protection for the pairing and will be subject to reassignment ONLY to the extent that they may be required to operate a flight to their home base;


L18.04.04            The Failure of the unit must be signed off by the In-Charge, and maintenance and must be reported to the Captain;


L18.04.05            A review of the incident will be conducted by the Company and a copy of this review will be forwarded to the Component President;


L18.05            In the event of a crew rest unit failure in flight, the following will apply:


L18.05.01            Operating employees will be entitled to rest in accordance with L18.03.02 in their regular crew seats or in the “last sold seats”, if available.  They will be entitled to sleep in these seats;


L18.05.02            As a result of L18.05, each operating employee will be credited with a premium equal to fifty (50%) percent of the greater of the scheduled or actual block-to-block time and each operating employee will be given three (3) days of additional vacation to be taken in the following vacation year in conjunction with regular vacation;


L18.05.03            The failure of the unit must be signed off by the In-Charge and Maintenance, and must be reported to the Captain;


L18.05.04            A review of the incident will be conducted by the Company and a copy of this review will be forwarded to the Component President.



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