days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#25 – Reduced Block Program

L25.01                          The parties agree to implement a Reduced Block Program (RBP) for the life of this collective agreement.


L25.01.01                     For the block months of October through May inclusive, the Company shall provide reduced blocks. Each reduced block will be for a duration of eight (8) months. The following minimum numbers of reduced blocks will be offered per base:   8 in Calgary; 16 in Montreal; 26 in Vancouver; and  44 in Toronto.


L25.01.02                     The reduced blocks under the RBP will be bid on a voluntary basis in September of each year for the entire reduced block period.


L25.02                          Ad hoc reduced blocks pursuant to LOU 23 may be provided in addition to the minimum number of RBP blocks set out in L25.01.02 to mitigate identified surpluses at a base. They are not subject to the annual bid provided for under L25.01.02.


L25.03                          Reduced blocks under the RBP and ad-hoc reduced blocks pursuant to LOU 23 are governed by the following rules:


L25.03.01                     Reduced blocks pursuant to the RBP and ad-hoc reduced blocks pursuant to LOU 23 will be awarded in the initial award process.


L25.03.02                     Reduced blocks shall be awarded in order of classification and seniority by base.


L25.03.03                     The terms and conditions of the RBP will be governed in accordance with the terms and conditions set out in the following Memorandum of Understanding: Reduced Block Program Under LOU 25.







The Company and the Union have agreed to the following:


1. To the extent possible, employees will be eligible to participate in the Reduced Block Program (“RBP”) under LOU 25 during the term of this Memorandum and in accordance with the following:

a)    Granting of requests for the RBP shall be in order of seniority and classification by base;

b)    Employees cannot withdraw from the RBP except by mutual agreement of the Company and the Union at Headquarters’ Level following the written request of the employee involved.


2. The provisions of the Collective Agreement will apply to this RBP, however, where the provisions of this Memorandum differ with provisions in the Collective Agreement, this Memorandum shall take precedence.


3. Regular Blockholders:

a)    Cabin Personnel who choose the RBP agree to reduce their flying hours by approximately 40% as per this Memorandum;

b)    Participating employees will include on their bid sheet the notation “RBP”, indicating their participation in the RBP;

c)    Participating employees must indicate on their bid sheet which pairing(s) they wish to keep.

In the situation where an employee cannot construct a block that is 30 to 45 hours due to the size of the pairing credits in that block, (e.g. a block with three (3) twenty-three (23) hour pairings), the block may be constructed to exceed 45 hours provided the minimum number of pairings are utilized to obtain the block;

d)    Employees must ensure that pairings to be operated will add up to no less than thirty (30) hours and no more than forty-five (45) hours in that block month. The open time created by this process will be used for additional supplemental blocks which will be bid on in the regular supplemental bid.

e)    Blocks will be awarded to employees participating in the RBP on the basis of classification, seniority, and language requirements;

f)     Employees participating in the RBP will bid for a block in accordance with the RBP.  However, during block awards, should the employee not bid sufficiently to ensure an award, he will be assigned to a partial RBP or a partial RBP Reserve block in accordance with the RBP;

g)    The employee will operate all blocked pairings subject to the provisions of the Collective Agreement.  Where the provisions of this Memorandum differ with provisions in the Collective Agreement this Memorandum shall take precedence;

h)    The Minimum Monthly Guarantee will not apply.  Employees participating in the RBP will be paid the number of hours earned;

i)      The Monthly Maximum Limitation will be 45 hours;


4. Reserve Blockholders:

a)    The Company will issue a limited number of RBP Reserve blocks at each base.  The number will be at the discretion of the Company;

b)    The provisions of the collective agreement related to inviolate days off will not be applicable to RBP Reserve Blocks.  Employees will not have the option to declare one additional set of days off in his/her block as inviolate;

c)    Each Reserve Block will consist of a maximum of eleven (11) duty days and a period with a minimum of ten (10) consecutive days off.  Each group of consecutive duty days will be for a period no less than two (2) consecutive days on;

d)    The Minimum Monthly Guarantee shall be 2:10 per duty day;

e)    The Maximum Monthly Limitation shall be forty-five (45) hours;

f)     The Company reserves the right to modify RBP Reserve blocks from block month to block month;


5. Return to Base Extension (Article B5.01.05) will apply to employees participating in the RBP.


6. Employees participating in the RBP are not eligible to bid for flights in accordance with Article B5.01.02 Extension to Monthly Limitation (Voluntary 85 hours).


7. Under the RBP, employees will contribute on actual pensionable earnings (reduced earnings) and allowable service will be based on the ratio of 40/60 hours (i.e. 0.6).

However, qualifying service (i.e. service used to determine eligibility criteria/milestone) will not be affected by this program.

Upon applying for the RBP, employees may elect to accrue full allowable service for the duration of the program provided the employee pays for the full cost (i.e. employee and employer portion) on the remaining portion (i.e.0.4) subject to applicable pension legislation.


8. Pay Progression for Cabin Personnel participating in the RBP will progress through their respective pay scales at the normal rate for the purposes of this RBP only.  This is without prejudice or precedent to any othe
r initiative between the parties.


9. Previous earned vacation will be taken as scheduled, and will be paid the greater of either the scheduled block credits missed or the average flight pay based on the last three (3) full months average earnings prior to entering the RBP.  Vacation accrual during an employee’s participation in the RBP will be paid at 60% of the normal rate.  The remainder 40% will be available without pay at the employee’s option.


10. Previous earned Statutory Holidays will be taken as scheduled, and will be paid the greater of either the scheduled block credits missed or the average flight pay based on the last three (3) full months average earnings prior to entering the RBP.  Statutory Holidays accrual during an employee’s participation in the RBP will be at 60% of the normal rate.


11. When use of sick time is required during their participation in the RBP, the employee will be paid out of their sick leave accrual at 100%.  Their accrual of further sick leave will be at 60% of the normal rate, rounded up to the nearest day.


12. For the duration of an employees’s participation in the RBP, their allowances as specified under Article 7.03.03 (Dry Cleaning) will be reduced by 40%.


13. For participants in the RBP, coverage under Group Employee Benefit Programs for which the Company pays the full cost of premiums shall continue for the duration of the RBP, with the Company continuing to pay the full cost of premiums.  Coverage under Group Employee Benefit Programs for which the employee pays all or part of the cost of the premiums will be continued at the employee’s option.


14. Employees participating in the RBP will be eligible for their normal travel privileges.


15. For the duration of the RBP, the parties agree that the bid deadline for all cabin personnel in each month shall be no earlier than 18 days prior to the end of the block month.


16. The Company will provide a list of the employees participating in the RBP to the Union after the annual award process has been completed.


17. This Memorandum will not result in any prejudice to the Union’s or Company’s rights or position’s in any situation other than RBP under LOU 25.  The Company and the Union agree this Memorandum will not be cited or used as precedent to cover situations other than RBP under LOU 25.

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