days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

LOU#31- Crew Rest Unit – B767-300




This letter is to confirm the parties’ agreement that the crew rest units currently in use for the Boeing 767-300 will be considered as the mutually agreed-to rest facility.  The company agrees to not remove these Crew Rest Units from the aircraft where they are currently installed, and which operate the B14 routes.


This letter also confirms that two full “J” class seats with separating curtains are deemed to be the appropriate crew rest facility in accordance with Article B14 on B767-300 aircraft, which are not outfitted with a Crew Rest Unit. These aircraft will only be used on B14 routes when the aircraft with the installed Crew Rest Unit is unavailable.  Only the single seats in the “J” class cabin will be acceptable for this purpose (rows 5 and 6 or their equivalent in a reconfigured aircraft).


The Company commits to the following:


1)             On these aircraft, the pairings will be crewed to eight (8), and that two (2) of this crew will be In-Charges.


2)             The crew will be able to have access to crew rest on both legs of the pairing, irrespective of each leg’s qualification under Article B14.


3)             Pairings involving these aircraft will contain layover rest periods of no less than eighteen hours (18:00).


The Union agrees to withdraw its grievance currently in arbitration before Arbitrator Mitchnick without prejudice or precedent to the parties’ position in this matter.


Should the Company acquire newly manufactured B767-300 aircraft to operate B14 routes, the parties will discuss and attempt to reach an agreement on a mutually agreed to rest facilities pursuant to Article B14.01.01.02.  In the event the parties are unable to reach an agreement, the Union may file a new grievance or re-activate the grievance currently before Arbitrator Mitchnick. 



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