days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Crew rest: flights not covered by Articles B14, L18, L22A and L22B

In our November 15, 2017 bulletin entitled “Crew Rest Guide – December 2017”, we provided information for B14, L18, L22A, and L22B flights.  If you missed that bulletin, please CLICK HERE.
Today, we concentrate on flights not covered by Articles B14, L18, L22A and L22B.
The Collective Agreement explains that on all aircraft, the Company will provide Cabin Crew with a certain bank of economy seats as “last sold” for crew rest/break.  These designated economy seats will be made available only after all other seats have been filled.  Cabin crew can use these seats for crew breaks (to eat) and/or crew rest (when applicable). Check with the gate agents to ensure the last sold seats are not occupied before boarding.  If passengers are assigned “last sold seats” when other seats are still available in the Y cabin, the Service Director should inform the Customer Sales & Service Agent immediately requesting the relocation of the passenger.  If the passengers are not relocated, we ask the SD to write a report and copy the local.
References from the Collective Agreement:
LOU 27
The Company will undertake to ensure that a certain bank of economy seats are held as “last sold” for the purpose of crew rest on all aircraft.
AC ROUGE: LOU 55.31.01
On all flights, Air Canada Rouge will undertake to ensure that a certain bank of economy seats are held as “last sold” for the purpose of crew breaks on all aircraft.
Cabin Personnel are permitted to sleep on scheduled flights greater than 7 hours at mainline (excluding long range flights) and greater than 8 hours at Rouge. There are maximum times you are permitted to sleep at both mainline and Rouge depending on the length of flight, please see below.
References from the Collective Agreement:
LOU 28.01
abin Crew will be permitted to sleep for a period of no longer than one hour, during their crew break, in accordance with Company policy as published in ePub on any flight legscheduled or re-forecast, on the day of departure, to exceed 7 hours.  Article B14 and letters of Understanding 18, 22 and 31 shall not apply.
AC ROUGE LOU 55.31.02
On all aircraft operating flights which have a scheduled block to block flight time of greater than 8:00 hours but less than 12:45 hours, the last sold seats or a crew rest unit may be for crew rest purposes. Cabin Personnel may sleep in last sold seats or crew rest unit for a maximum of one (1) hour per crew member.
On mainline flights operated by a 767, the company will provide Cabin Crew with two economy seats for the purpose of crew rest.  These two seats will only be provided when a crew rest unit is not installed, and when the flight time is scheduled greater than 8 hours.
Reference from the Collective Agreement:
On B767 non-crew bunk equipped aircraft operating flights which have a scheduled block to block flight time of greater than 8:00 hours but less than 11:30 hours, the Company will dedicate two (2) contiguous economy class seats for crew rest purposes.

Cabin Personnel may sleep in the two (2) dedicated economy class seats for a maximum of one (1) hour per crew member. 
Feel free to email your local for feedback.
YYC- office@local4095
In Solidarity,
Your Component Crew Rest Committee

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