days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component wins policy grievance on vacation entitlement for Rouge employees

Your ACCEX is happy to announce that counsel has advised us that we were successful in our arbitration of Rouge Policy Grievance CHQ-rouge-16-17 – Vacation Entitlement. Arbitrator Gedalof ruled in favour of the Union. His decision and award can be read HERE.Arbitrator Gedalof settled a dispite over section L55.10.02 of the collective agreement on vacation entitlement, declaring:

I declare that third step in the vacation grid begins with 3 completed years of service and the fourth step in the vacation grid begins with 12 completed years of service. I further order that the Employer credit employees who were not allocated vacation in accordance with this interpretation with 5 days of vacation.


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