days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Results of the 2019 Bylaw Referendum

The voting has closed for the 2019 Bylaw Referendum and the results are as follows:
Question 1): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 1 (Notification & Compliance)? YES
Question 2a): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Component Expense Policy document)? YES
Question 2b): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Modernize transportation expenses)? YES
Question 2c): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Expense submission limitations)? YES
Question 2d): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Signing authority)? YES
Question 2e): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Ownership of Component assets)? YES
Question 2f): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 2 (Credit card & loyalty rewards)? YES
Question 3a):  Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes in Section 3.1 (Defining “Highest earner”)? YES
Question 3b):  Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes in Section 3.2 (Financial Officers training requirements)? YES
Question 3c): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes in Section 3.3 (Secretary Treasurer duties & remuneration)? YES
Question 4): Do you support the Bylaw Review Committee’s proposed changes of Section 4 (Trustees & Transparency)? YES
If you participated in this vote, you were issued an anonymous voting receipt code (accessible only online). The results & breakdown will be published to the Air Canada Component of CUPE voting website for viewing, and a spreadsheet of vote data will be made available for download to track your receipt.
We thank all of the members who exercised their right to vote.
In solidarity,
Component Tabulating Committee

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