days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From Your Component Officers

In the most recent Move Me News we have seen that Air Canada is providing more “tips” from an Onboard Service Manager’s point of view.

As per the “OBSM cabin crew tips showcase care and class” the tip from the OBSM was:

“Prior to boarding, please consider enhancing the PY and Y cabin appearance by:  Ensuring all pillows/blankets are placed neatly at the centre of the seats
Checking that all armrests are down and not in the upright position, or a mix of both”

Our members are not cabin groomers, maintenance personal or catering employees. There are other unionized employees who are responsible for this work and if they need to have additional staff to perform the work, the company should review this on their end.  We are onboard the aircraft for many reasons, such as safety, security, pre-boarding, UM’s, safety briefings, pre-flight checks and OTP, finalizing the grooming of the aircraft is not one of them.

It is unfortunate that the Company continues to try to increase what we are responsible for knowing full well that we are already responsible for all cabin safety duties.

We will continue to press on and ensure that our members receive the respect that they have earned and are due, we are professionals and as such deserve the same respect as our Air Canada colleagues.

Your Union is your voice, please continue to write in and share your stories and concerns, they are heard, shared and actioned.

In solidarity,

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