days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

As A Matter Of Fact – Tip Of The Week – Collective Agreement

The Air Canada Component of CUPE is launching a new Series entitled “As a Matter of Fact”.  This is aligned with our continuing plan to provide information and education to you, our members.  Knowledge is power and we truly believe that when our members are well informed it is less likely for anyone to misinform them of their rights.  We understand that your time is precious. With that in mind we will provide weekly “Tips and Tricks” which we hope will help you to read these digestible chunks of information to strengthen your knowledge. As with all things that we are trying, we would love to hear from you and to receive feedback. Together we can work to make it even better and more valuable.

Collective Agreement

If you are looking for a copy of the Collective Agreement or answers to more common questions about the Collective Agreement articles you can find a link to the Collective Agreement and some of the more popular questions in the Contract Guide on the website and mobile app.

– > Member Resources > Collective Agreement > Collective Agreement in English or French
– > Member Resources > Collective Agreement > Contract Guide 2019/2020 in English or French

Mobile App:
– Resources > Collective Agreement > Collective Agreement in English or French
– Resources > Collective agreement > Contract Guide 2019/2020 in French and English

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