days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-21-03 – A330 Dream Cabin Aircraft Crew Rest

The Union is filing Policy Grievance CHQ-21-03 as the Company is failing to ensure that crew members can obtain their contractually required onboard break/rest on the newly configured A330 Dream cabin aircrafts.  Specifically, the High Comfort Jump seats at door 2 (L2/R2 stations) have been rendered unusable by the new Dream Cabin configuration as the privacy curtains have been removed and the lavatory doors open into the jump seats.   This is a violation of the Collective Agreement and past practice.

It is unfortunate that the company signed off on crew rest provisions for flights over 7 hours yet is not affording crew a safe space to take their contractually entitled crew rest.

The union has attempted to resolve this with the company but unfortunately, we do not see a resolve to this unless we pursue a grievance.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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