days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining Reopener Updates

Bargaining Reopener 2019 Update

As a follow-up to our last bargaining update on February 1, 2022 (CLICK HERE), the Union would like to keep you informed as to our next steps.  We will now engage in Interest Arbitration this week.  We anticipate that this arbitration will be the last step in process to seek resolution and a renewal of the April 1, 2019 to March 31, 2022 Collective Agreement. This process is as outlined in the 10-Year framework MOA (CLICK HERE).  The Union and Air Canada have three days scheduled with Arbitrator Vince Ready which is commencing tomorrow.  Each party has filed detailed legal briefs.  This process is extensive and comprehensive and a culmination of many months of negotiations.  The Arbitrator will review the submissions of both parties and at an undetermined date, will render his decision.  We are hopeful there will be a portion of the proceedings where members can attend and will advise once the Arbitrator has determined the process for member participation.

We wanted to note that the framework MOA limits the proposals that can be brought forward, and specifically limits cost increases to Air Canada Mainline. During the Bargaining and Mediation phase of this re-opener the Union and Employer were able to reach agreement on a limited number of proposals. The intention of both parties is that the interest arbitration award will include those agreed to changes in addition to whatever gains are made as per the decision of the arbitrator.

Here are some highlights on items the parties have agreed to:

  • Clarity that a Mainline reserve blockholder is entitled to 12 hours crew rest before/after training sessions or travel to a training session
  • Provide further flexibility to Mainline reserve blockholders on the minimum number of GDOs withing PBS
  • Comprehensive Proposal on Reserve at Air Canada Rouge
    • Switch to a regular blockholder and reserve blockholder framework similar to Mainline
    • Increase MMG to 80 hours for reserve blockholders
    • Ability to waive certain blocking rules regarding days off pattern for both regular and reserve blockholders
    • Increase to minimum GDOs and UDOs for reserve blockholders
    • Increase to minimum crew rest at home base for reserve blockholders
    • Elimination of ability for crew rest on layover to be reduced to nine (9) hours
  • Housekeeping proposals to fix grammatical errors or omissions from previous rounds of bargaining

The Union is bringing forward four non-monetary proposals for Mainline and two monetary proposals for Air Canada Rouge. The Company is seeking a number of concessions.  Due to the sensitive nature of this type of proceeding we are limited to what information can be provided. We are seeking direction from Arbitrator Ready relating to what information can be share with the Membership.  We intend to fully educate and inform the entire membership once the decision of Arbitrator Ready has been provided to the parties.  We will provide more details as to how the process will unfold when we are able.

Bargaining Reopener 2022 Update

Further to the above noted Interest Arbitration process for the 2019 re-opener, the Union last week advised Air Canada/Air Canada Rouge of its intent to enter into bargaining for the next “Reopener” as per the Collective Agreement.  The process is the same as the current 2019 re-opener.

The Union was required to serve notice for bargaining prior to March 31, 2022. Stay tuned for next steps as we fully intend to survey the membership. It is important to your Bargaining Committee that your voices are heard.  We want to seek guidance from you on the issues that you would like to see addressed keeping in mind the limitations set out in the 10-year framework MOA.  We will not move forward with the next round of negotiations until the current round is completed.

In solidarity,


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