days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component Secretary-Treasurer

Your Component Executive would like to advise that the Component Secretary-Treasurer, Alex Habib, has resigned his role effective May 1, 2023. This means that the position of Component Secretary-Treasurer is vacant. Our Component Bylaws (attached) contemplate this unforeseen event and state that:

B.10.3 Component Secretary-Treasurer: 
Should the position of Component Secretary-Treasurer become vacant when there is less than 50% of the term to be fulfilled, the ACCEX shall choose one (1) member of the ACCEX to perform the duties of the Component Secretary-Treasurer until the expiry of the term. 

Your Component Executive is actively involved in working to move forward despite this new development. Please be assured that the proper functioning of your Union is paramount in our considerations. We will provide an update shortly on who will replace him to carry on with this important work at the Component Level.

In solidarity,


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