days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Tel Aviv Operations Resumption – April 2024

We have had many inquiries from within the membership about the resumption of operations to Tel Aviv.  We have had discussions with the company about the importance of regular updates on this issue as it is a high priority for us.  Here is what we currently know regarding a potential return to Tel Aviv.

We have been briefed by Corporate Health and Safety, along with our Component Health and Safety Committee on the work that has been done with Corporate Security and numerous other agencies, representatives, and organisations. We have been very vocal about our concerns and have requested a thorough understanding of all facets of this situation. We will be reviewing further with the company our concerns which include onboard security, safety and security at destination, transportation, and accommodation reassurances.

We are committed to ensuring the best possible process for the analysis and evaluation of this destination. We feel that Air Canada shares our perspective on the importance of a comprehensive review.  We will continue to review and evaluate this and promise to update you as we know more.

In solidarity,

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