days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

A Message From Your Bilingual Committee

Hello everyone,
As chair of the new and improved Bilingual Committee, this is part of my mission:
“The main purpose of the Component Bilingual Committee is to safeguard and promote Canada’s two official languages in the workplace as well as in the union.”
As I have been working on the same issues locally (Local 4091 YUL) for over two years now, from time to time I was asked for assistance from both members and leaders of our other locals. Then, our employer and union President approached me asking if I would be interested in chairing the committee. By then, I felt that I had acquired enough experience and I gladly accepted.
A few things I am involved in are:
– BL members inquiring about English classes and UL members inquiring about level testing (linguistics department)
– Assuring the integrity of 100% BL flights when re-crewing (crew sched)
– Introducing french classes when training or re-qualifying (training department)
– Assistance in contesting language qualification results
– Assuring the prompt translation of any and all documentation provided to the members (union and company)
If I can be of any assistance, please do not hesitate to contact me at
In solidarity,
MJ Page
Bilingual Committee Chair

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