A Message From Your Component Officers

Many of you have been reaching out with the recent announcement made by Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge regarding massive decreases in our immediate flying schedule.  We have just concluded a call with Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge, and shortly after with ACCEX, and wanted to advise you of the following:

The Company has advised that it was their intention to invoke L60.06 of the Collective Agreement. This is an invocation of the Force Majeure clause.

As you know we have received word from Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge that they will be only maintaining limited international service to 6 destinations.  This is subject to change. Transborder flights will be reduced to 13 destinations.  The company will also continue to provide service to all provinces however it will be reduced and subject to further reductions.

There will be an overall reduction in capacity of at least 80% in April 2020.

There will also be reductions in capacity for May onward and as soon as we receive information about them, we will keep everyone informed.

The approximate Mainline surplus for the month of April is 3,600 members and Rouge will have all members, 1,549 deemed surplus.   Rouge will in effect have zero flying hours for the month of April 2020.

The Company will commence the process of calling members and placing them on “Off Duty Status” as early as within the next 48 hours as outlined in LOU 6.  Off Duty Status allows you to collect employment insurance and maintain benefits, along with travel benefits.  The Union’s position is that this option should be offered to all members as we have heard from many senior members that they would like to voluntarily take this option.  The company will allow the opportunity for members to volunteer for Off Duty Status.  More information will come out from the company on this.

The Union has also sought clarity for those of you on SPLOAs in reference to you being able to collect Employment Insurance, maintain benefits and flight benefits.  We have confirmed with the employer that those of you on SPLOAs for April 2020 will be converted to Off Duty Status enabling you to collect Employment Insurance.

As of May 2020, Article 17 of the Collective Agreement will apply and the Union has proposed that we commence discussions within the immediate future regarding mitigation options.  Please reference Article 17 of the Collective Agreement and LOU 60.05. This outlines the process that we believe will be taking place for the May 2020 block month onwards. As per L60.05.03.04, the Union has provided a list of all mitigation options we would like to have them review. We have captured all mitigation suggestions that the members have brought forward to date.  Thank you for providing them as we know it is important for many reasons.

We will keep you informed when new information comes to us and appreciate this causes many concerns and further uncertainty.  We have many questions for the employer, and have sought much clarification, and commit that as we know, you will be advised.

Air Canada will be sending out all information through Air Canada email.  Please ensure you have activated your Air Canada email; you can find the instructions on how to do this by going onto ACaeronet.

This is unprecedented, and not something any of us want to go through.  The reality is real, and we are working around the clock ensuring you are represented.
In Solidarity,

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