Professional Audits Now on Component Website
In compliance with sections 110 (1) and (2) of the Canada Labour Code, as below, the Union will now be posting the yearly professional audit on the Component Website. The 2009 and 2010 audits have been posted, and the 2011 audit is currently underway and will be posted when it is completed. To access the documents use the following links:
To view the 2009 Audit:
If the above link does not work go to, then click on Bulletins > Treasurer’s Report > 2009 Audited Statements
To view the 2010 Audit:
If the above link does not work go to, then click on Bulletins > Treasurer’s Report > 2010 Audited Statements
Language from The Canada Labour Code:
110. (1) Every trade union and every employers’ organization shall, forthwith on the request of any of its members, provide the member, free of charge, with a copy of a financial statement of its affairs to the end of the last fiscal year, certified to be a true copy by its president and treasurer or by its president and any other officer responsible for the handling and administration of its funds.
(2) Any financial statement provided under subsection (1) shall contain information in sufficient detail to disclose accurately the financial condition and operations of the trade union or employers’ organization for the fiscal year for which it was prepared,
Stronger together,
Nick Beveridge
Secretary-Treasurer, Air Canada Component of CUPE