Dear fellow members,
Let me first say that it has been an incredible journey, over the last two years, serving the membership in the capacity of Component Secretary-Treasurer. I am both humbled and grateful for the opportunity. Having been invited to, and attended, a few of the Locals’ general meetings, I would like to send a very heartfelt “Thank You” to everyone who has supported me during this period, as well as for their support to the Union in general.
I also want to show my gratitude to those Union officers and committees who have worked alongside me, as well as the support staff at Belfield and the CUPE National Rep. The Component Office is not just operated by three elected officers, there are many wonderful people who help make it happen. It is definitely not an easy job and I truly feel that we all tried our hardest and to the best of our abilities.
Congratulations to the newest Component Officers who will be taking over on February 1st. I have already reached out to my successor regarding handover and am preparing the report. The accounting staff and I are ready to make the transition as smoothly as possible for the next team. I hope you will join me in giving them the support they need to make this Union as strong as possible.
As some of you already know, I have been back flying partially since the beginning of 2016. I am looking forward to going back full time next month and seeing my colleagues in the sky.
In Solidarity,
Antonius Lam
Component Secretary-Treasurer