Re: Layover Hotel in Narita
October 7, 2002
Pamela Sachs
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE
180 Attwell Drive, 6th Floor
Toronto, ON
Dear Ms. Sachs,
Re: Layover Hotel in Narita
The following letter is to confirm the parties’ agreement that, on a without prejudice or precedent basis, and notwithstanding Article B5.05.03, the Union will make an exception for the layover accommodation of cabin crew on flights into Narita Airport in Japan, subject to the following conditions:
On layovers of 32 hours or more, the layover hotel for cabin personnel will be located in downtown Tokyo;
On layovers of less than 32 hours, the layover hotel for cabin personnel will be located in downtown Narita;
When cabin personnel lay over at the hotel in downtown Narita they will be able to claim, upon submitting a receipt, the cost of transportation to downtown Tokyo and return, up to a maximum of $50;
The selection of layover hotels for both downtown Narita and downtown Tokyo will be in accordance with Article 21.02, as amended;
The union agrees to withdraw the remaining matters regarding the layover accommodation in Narita/Tokyo before Arbitrator Simmons on a without prejudice basis.
Yours truly,
Kevin Howlett
Vice President, Labour Relations