days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

ARTICLE 9 – Sick Leave




9.01              PREAMBLE ‑ The parties mutually acknowledge that the sick leave plan provided for in this Article is intended solely to protect employees in the event of sickness or injury and that such plan shall be administered throughout in accordance with such intent.


9.02              ENTITLEMENT ‑ An employee shall receive twelve (12) days of sick leave at the beginning of each calendar year


9.02.01       Where an employee commences service during a calendar year, s/he will receive one (1) day of sick leave for each full block month remaining in the year. Where an employee commences service during a block month, (s)he will receive one (1) day of sick leave for that month if (s)he is on the payroll for fifteen (15) days or more in that block month.


9.02.02       For the purpose of this Article, “day” shall mean a twenty‑four (24) hour period or part thereof.


9.03              ACCUMULATION ‑ An employee shall accumulate all unused sick leave at the end of each year up to a maximum of one hundred and twenty‑five (125) days.


9.04              REGULAR BLOCKHOLDERS


9.04.01       Sick Leave Charged ‑ Where a Regular Blockholder reports unavailable for duty as a result of sickness, his/her sick leave credits shall be charged one (1) day for each period of twenty-four (24) hours or less, excluding guaranteed days off, calculated as follows:


Commencement: The commencement of the next scheduled duty period.


Termination: The actual time reported available for duty.


NOTE:       An employee will be charged at least one (1) day of sick leave for each book off if the first flight in his/her cycle is missed and no other flight is operated on that day.


9.04.02       Sick Leave Credits ‑ Where sick leave is charged, the Regular

                      Blockholder shall be credited with his/her scheduled block credits

                              missed from the commencement of the first duty period missed to

                              the end of the final sick day charged, calculated as a complete

                              twenty‑four (24) hour period.


Where the final twenty-four (24) hour period terminates during a scheduled duty period, flight time credits will terminate at that time.


NOTE:       Duty period and trip hour guarantee credits will be credited only for complete duty periods or trips missed.






9.04.03       Application where a flight operated prior to the end of last full twenty-four (24) hour period:


Where a Regular Blockholder reports available for duty prior to the termination of a full twenty‑four (24) hour period and flight time credits are scheduled prior to the time s/he actually reported available for duty, s/he shall be charged for that day and credited for those flights even if s/he actually operates a flight during that period.


Where a Regular Blockholder reports available for duty prior to the termination of a full twenty‑four (24) hour period and no flight time credits are scheduled prior to the time s/he actually reported available for duty, s/he shall not be charged for that day if s/he actually operates a flight during that period.  If s/he does not operate a flight, s/he shall be charged for that day.


NOTE:       Where a Regular Blockholder has no sick leave credits, s/he will not be charged on any day s/he actually operates a flight.


9.05              RESERVE BLOCKHOLDERS


9.05.01       Sick Leave Charged ‑ Where a Reserve Blockholder reports unavailable for duty as a result of sickness, his/her sick leave credits shall be charged one (1) day for each period of twenty-four (24) hours or less excluding guaranteed days off calculated as follows:


Commencement:            The actual time s/he is unavailable for duty on a

                                                                               scheduled Reserve Duty Day.


Termination:               The actual time reported available for duty.


9.05.02       Sick Leave Credits ‑ Where sick leave is charged, the Reserve  Blockholder shall be credited with the greater of the minimum guarantee or the average daily flight pay during the preceding three (3) month period for each sick day charged.  A credit of two hours and thirty‑five minutes (2:35) per day will be applied towards flight time limitations.


9.05.03       Application where flight is operated prior to the end of last full twenty-four (24) hour period:


Where a Reserve Blockholder reports available for duty prior to the termination of a full twenty‑four (24) hour period, s/he shall not be charged for that day if s/he operates a flight during that period.  If s/he does not operate a flight, s/he shall be charged for that day.


NOTE:       This procedure is applicable also where no sick leave credits remain.


9.06              MEDICAL CERTIFICATE ‑ An employee may be required to provide a medical certificate to substantiate any utilization of sick leave.  In applying this clause, the Company may require medical certificates for periods of illness of three (3) consecutive days or less.  Any cost for medical certificates in accordance with this clause shall be borne by the Company.

9.07              REASSIGNMENT ‑ Where an employee, as a result of a book off due to illness, falls below his/her applicable minimum guarantee for that month, s/he will be subject to reassignment as follows:


9.07.01       Reassignment will be to any available flight which approximately equals the hours required to reach the applicable minimum monthly guarantee.  Such reassignment will be limited to the calendar days s/he would have operated had s/he not booked off.


Where the employee elects to be reassigned to a flight which is greater than the hours required to reach minimum guarantee, s/he will be permitted to do so provided s/he is legal in all respects.


9.07.02       Where an employee cannot be assigned to a flight at the time of book‑on, s/he will be required to contact the Crew Resource Centre at 0900 the following morning for flight assignment.  If more than one (1) employee is subject to reassignment at 0900 on any given day, such reassignment will be offered in order of seniority only where an employee has elected to select a flight with more hours than that required to reach minimum guarantee.


9.08              Where an employee has booked  on prior to the completion of the flight sequence s/he would have operated, s/he may elect to do open flying in accordance with B7.03.03 effective the second calendar day following book‑on and only if s/he is not subject to Article 9.07 ‑ Reassignment.


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