days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.


All appropriate modifications to the Collective Agreement for PBS will be finalized after the provisions of Item 7(b) of the May 2003 MOU are either agreed to or arbitrated.






B8.01 – General


B8.02 ‑ Rest Periods ‑ Home Base


B8.03 ‑ Rest Periods ‑ Layover Station


B8.04 – Scheduled Rest Periods ‑ Layover Station


B8.05 – Irregular Operations – Extension of Layover


B8.06 ‑ Days Off – General


B8.07 ‑ Days Off Patterns


B8.08 ‑ Days Off – Exchange


B8.09 ‑ Days Off – Forfeit


B8.10 – Monthly Flight Time Limitation


B8.11 – Monthly Limitation – Exception


B8.12 – Minimum Guarantee


B8.13 – Call-In Reserve


B8.14 – Preparation of Blocks


B8.15 – Consecutive Duty Days – Overlap


B8.16 – Consecutive Duty Days During Month


B8.17 ‑ All Night Flight Pairings


B8.18 – Definition:  All Night Flight Pairings


B8.19 – Overseas Assignment Sequence


B8.20 – Airport Standby


B8.21 – Airport Standby After Flight


B8.22 – Regular Flight Assignment Procedure


B8.23 – Pairings


B8.24 ‑ Hours of Contact


B8.25 – Misconnection


B8.26 ‑ Open Flying Bid


B8.27 ‑ Call‑in Reserve


B8.28 ‑ Pre‑assignment


B8.29 – Conversion


B8.30 – Ready Reserve


B8.31 – Change of Assignment


B8.32 – Airport Move-up


B8.33 – Draft Premium


B8.01              GENERAL:  Reserve Blockholders will be assigned or awarded to cover all open flights not awarded or assigned to Regular or Supplemental Blockholders in accordance with:

‑        Article 9.07       –       Reassignment

‑        Article B6.03       –       Reassignment

‑        Article B7                     ‑       Open Flying

–        Article B11              –       Crewing to Load

‑ A flight assignment, once made, may subsequently be changed, except as provided for in B8.26.

NOTE:       A Flight Service Director Reserve Blockholder can only be used in the Flight Service Director classification.

B8.02              REST PERIODS ‑ HOME BASE:  A rest period at Home Base must be of the following minimum duration:

‑ After two (2) consecutive all night sequences: 18 hours

‑ Prior to a third consecutive all night sequence: 24 hours

‑ After an overseas flight except from Bermuda: 24 hours

‑ After all other flights: 12 hours

B8.03              REST PERIODS ‑ LAYOVER STATION:  A rest period at a layover station must be of the following minimum duration:

‑ Sleeping accommodation at or near airport: 10 hours

‑ Sleeping accommodation away from airport: 10 hours

‑ After an Overseas flight to North American
layover: 12 hours

‑ After a Canada‑London, England flight: 12 hours

B8.04              SCHEDULED REST PERIODS ‑ LAYOVER STATION:  The SCHEDULED rest period at a layover station must be of the following minimum duration except in an irregular operation they may be reduced to the periods stated in B8.03 preceding.

‑ Sleeping accommodation at or near airport: 10 hours

‑ After a scheduled duty period of twelve (12) hours or more:       12 hours

Between any two (2) consecutive scheduled duty periods which total twenty (20) hours or more: 12 hours


B8.05.01       If, in irregular operations, a rest period is reduced below the minimum (Article B8.03), the In‑Charge employee may request that the layover be extended to provide the minimum time.

B8.05.02       Such extension will be requested from the Crew Resource Centre.

.05.03       If the layover is not extended, each employee has the option to exceed or not to exceed the duty period limitation in accordance with Article B5.02.02.

B8.05.04       If an employee elects to take less than the legal crew rest, his/her duty period runs continuously until terminated by a legal crew rest and duty period guarantee credits apply.

B8.06              DAYS OFF ‑ GENERAL:  A Reserve Blockholder will receive thirteen (13) days off in each block month of thirty (30) to thirty‑two (32) days and fourteen (14) days in each month of thirty‑three (33) days.

Days off will be scheduled to start at 0001 hours.  However, if the employee is flown into his/her days off, the days off will start twelve (12) hours after the termination of his/her last duty period.

B8.07            DAYS OFF PATTERNS:

B8.07.01       Reserve blocks will contain the following patterns of consecutive days off and will indicate inviolate days off as follows:

Pattern (1)                        Any combination of 7,2,2,2 with the group of seven (7) shown as inviolate.

Pattern (2)                        Any combination of 4,4,3,2 with the group of four (4) shown as inviolate.

Pattern (3)                        Any combination of 4,3,3,3 with the group of four (4) and any one (1) of the group of three (3) shown as inviolate.

B8.07.02       Before the start of a block month and prior to the assignment of his/her last flight in the previous month, an employee will have the OPTION to declare one (1) additional set of days off in his/her block as inviolate.  This option will be made known to the Crew Resource Centre in writing and will be honored regardless of operational requirements.

 NOTE I: Once the additional set of inviolate days off has been agreed to, they may only be changed under the provision of Article B8.08.

NOTE II: If an employee does not request the designation of an additional set of inviolate days off within the above time limits, s/he forfeits his/her right to do so for the remainder of that block month.

B8.07.03       An employee will not be scheduled to work into or during his/her inviolate days off.  If, in the event of an irregular operation an employee arrives at his/her Home Base late and as a result works into his/her inviolate days off, such days off will be slid to start twelve (12) hours after the end of his/her last duty period.

B8.07.03.01 NOTE: The employee may be required to either deadhead or operate a flight(s) on the inviolate day off to their Home Base provided they are legal in all respects.

B8.07.04       Days off which are not inviolate may be flown into in accordance with the provisions of B8.22.

B8.07.05       An employee who is flown into his/her non‑inviolate days off will be removed from his/her assigned pairing if that pairing operates through his/her Home Base to a layover point.

Example:  Home Base Toronto.

  No. 1   No. 2
  Remove No Removal

NOTE:       An employee who is scheduled to transit Home Base in accordance with the above may ELECT to operate the remaining portion of his/her pairing.  Arrangements for this option must be made with the Crew Resource Centre prior to the initial departure of the pairing involved.  Days off will be slid in accordance with Article B8.06.

B8.08        DAYS OFF ‑ EXCHANGE:

B8.08.01       A Reserve Blockholder may exchange a day off or a group of consecutive days off with another Reserve Blockholder within the same classification and within the same block month subject to the following conditions:

B8.08.01.01 Requests for an exchange will provide for a minimum of five (5) days notice prior to the first day involved in the exchange.  Approval for such request will be given with a minimum of delay.

B8.08.01.02 The exchange will not result in less than three (3) consecutive duty days between any period of days off for either Reserve Blockholder.  This restriction will not apply if the total days off involved in the exchange run consecutively.

B8.08.01.03 The exchange will not result in either Reserve Blockholder being scheduled in excess of eight (8) consecutive duty days.

B8.08.01.04 Days off may not be exchanged with duty days in order to move reserve duty days into a vacation period.

B8.08.01.05 If the exchange involves one (1) day off only for each Reserve Blockholder, the day being exchanged must be moved so that it will be in conjunction with another period of days off in that block month.

B8.08.02       Subject to the preceding limitations, an employee may request, through the Crew Resource Centre, a movement of days off.  Such request will be approved if operational requirements permit.

B8.08.03       If any exchanged non‑inviolate days off are moved to a position immediately prior to inviolate days off, the exchanged days off can be flown into.  If any exchanged non‑inviolate days off are moved to a position immediately following inviolate days off, the employee may be drafted on the exchanged days off.

B8.08.04       Inviolate days off when moved or exchanged maintain the status of inviolate days off.

B8.08.05       Days off may be exchanged only at the request of the employee.

B8.09              DAYS OFF ‑ FORFEIT:

B8.09.01       A Reserve Blockholder may bid open flying on or into his/her non‑inviolate days off provided that such days off are scheduled to terminate prior to the last seven (7) days in the block month and that the conditions outlined in B.7 OPEN FLYING are met.

NOTE:       The restriction on bidding open flying in the last seven (7) days of the month may be waived by the Crew Resource Centre.

B8.09.02       Days off may be forfeited through the open‑flying bid if the open flight awarded overlaps into days off providing all other condi­tions of this Article are met.  Days off may be forfeited only by cabin personnel and only for the purpose of bidding open time.  An employee will not be permitted to forfeit days off for a draft and any day off lost due to draft will be repaid by another day off in that month.

B8.09.03  &nbsp
;    Days off lost as a result of such open flying bid will not be repaid, however, in no case will the total days off in that month be reduced to less than ten (10).

B8.09.04       An open flying bid will include confirmation in writing that the employee agrees to reduce his/her days off for the purpose of that open time award.

B8.10              MONTHLY FLIGHT TIME LIMITATION:  The monthly flight time limitation for Reserve Blockholders will be established in accordance with:

‑ Article B5.01.01              –       Maximum Monthly Limitation

‑ Article B5.01.03              –       Proration

‑ Article B5.01.05              –       Return to Base Extension


B8.11.01       An employee who, at the termina­tion of his/her last duty period, has accumulated seventy‑two (72) or more hours of flight time credits, and has at  least two (2) scheduled reserve duty days remaining will, at his/her OPTION, be released from further reserve duty in that month provided s/he cannot be assigned at that time.  If s/he is assigned a pairing s/he will be released on those reserve duty days not involved in the assign­ment.  The option to decline such preassignment as per B8.28 does not apply.

B8.11.02       Any change to such assignment will be made at report time and the employee will then be required to operate any other assignment for which s/he is legal.  The employee will be required to advise the Crew Resource Centre of his/her decision to be released.

B8.11.03       Although an employee who is released under the provision of this clause is not required to be available for contact, s/he will be required to operate an assigned pairing if s/he is contacted and legal in all respects for that assignment.  S/he may also be drafted in accordance with Article B9 on any day scheduled as a non‑invio­late day off in his/her reserve block provided s/he can be contacted and is legal in all respects.

B8.11.04       Reserves may be assigned to their last pairing of the block month on the basis of Article

B5.01.05.  A pairing assigned under Article B5.01.05 – Return to Base Extension will not be extended.

B8.12              MINIMUM GUARANTEE:  If a Reserve Blockholder is available for duty for a full block month s/he will receive a minimum monthly guarantee as follows:

Flight Service Director:            70 hours

Purser:             70 hours

Flight Attendant:             70 hours

Assistant Purser:             70 hours

If a Reserve Blockholder fails to report for an assigned flight or standby duty or is unavailable while on reserve duty, s/he will be removed from the payroll on the day(s) involved if not flown on that (those) day(s).  The removal will continue until the next scheduled duty day and his/her minimum monthly guarantee will be reduced by two hours and ten minutes (2:10) for each such day.

B8.13              CALL‑IN RESERVE:

B8.13.01       An employee who is scheduled on call‑in reserve will be required to contact the Crew Resource Centre the day prior to his/her duty day for flight assignment.  The call‑in time will be estab­lished at each Base by mutual agreement between the Crew Resource Centre and the Local President.  The call‑in time will be published with the monthly block package at each Base.

B8.13.02       An employee while on call‑in may be requested to call back provided the call back time is within the specified call‑in period.

B8.13.03       An employee on call‑in reserve must call in the day prior to a scheduled duty day even if the call‑in time falls on a day off, or vacation day.  However the employee may request to be placed on ready reserve on his/her first duty day following any time off in order to preclude the requirement of making a call‑in prior to the first duty day.  Such arrangement must be made in advance with the Crew Resource Centre.

B8.13.04       An employee who is on call‑in reserve is released from the obliga­tion to stand‑by on reserve, however if contacted s/he must accept flight assignment provided s/he is legal in all respects.

B8.14              PREPARATION OF BLOCKS:  Blocks will be prepared in accordance with Article B2.

B8.14.01       Block patterns will include the day off patterns outlined in B8.07 and will indicate the classification and positions declared for each block.

B8.14.02       Blocks will be prepared to maximize the variations of each pattern and will contain an agreed to percentage of each pattern based on local demand and coverage requirements.  The percentage of each pattern will be mutually agreed to by the Crew Resource Centre and the Local President.

B8.14.03      At least five percent (5%) of the blocks will contain a set of inviolate days off at the start of the block month and five per cent (5%) will contain a set of inviolate days off at the end of the block month.

NOTE:       The minimum number of blocks containing a set of INVIOLATE days off at the start of a block and at the end of a block will be one of each unless the number of employees in the classification is less than five (5).

B8.14.04       To ensure some block selection options for junior employees, the total block positions declared will be not less than ten percent (10%) in excess of the reserve levels published.  Such excess blocking practice will apply to each classification.  If the reserve pool in any classification is ten (10) or less, then at least one (1) block more than required will be published.

B8.14.05       Each reserve block will contain alternate sets of duty days designated as call‑in reserve or ready reserve.

B8.15              CONSECUTIVE DUTY DAYS ‑ OVERLAP:  If a Reserve Blockholder in a month end overlap from one reserve block to another is scheduled on reserve duty in excess of six (6) consecutive days, one (1) single additional non‑inviolate day off will be scheduled before the sixth consecutive duty day.  Employees affected will be notified of the scheduled day off within twenty-four (24) hours after completion of the supplemental block award. 

              If the Reserve Blockholder flies into this period, the twenty‑four (24) hour period will begin fifteen (15) minutes after the flight arrival.  The twenty-four (24) hour crew rest period will not break the six consecutive duty day period. 

             Once the Company advises an employee of a day off for the purpose of breaking a consecutive duty day period, the day off will not be changed due to subsequent changes to the employee’s itinerary.

B8.16 CONSECUTIVE DUTY DAYS DURING MONTH:  A Reserve Blockholder will not be scheduled to be on duty or on call on more than six (6) consecu­tive calendar days except:

B8.16.01 If the employee’s Home Base is assigned a pairing which exceeds six (6) days, it may be assigned.

B8.16.02 The employee ONLY may elect to waive the limitation to permit an exchange of days off in accordance with B8.08 DAYS OFF EXCHANGE to a maximum of eight (8) consecutive days or to operate open flying in accordance with B8.09 DAYS OFF FORFEIT with no limita­tion on consecutive duty days.

B8.16.03 In the event of an IRREGULAR OPERATION AWAY FROM HOME BASE, s/he may be required to operate in excess of six (6) days as follows:

B8.16.03.01 If the crew is from his/her Home Base, s/he may be required to exceed six (6) days ONLY if s/he is assigned to follow the same routing as the remainder of the crew on the flight or pairing.

B8.16.03.02 If the crew is NOT from his/her Home Base, s/he will be required to follow the crew only to the first Crew Base.  From that point s/he will be returned to his/her Home Base.

B8.16.04 The restriction of six (6) consecutive calendar days will not apply to month end overlaps where a Reserve Blockholder is award­ed a regular block or a Regular Blockholder is awarded a reserve block.

B8.16.05 The restriction of six (6) consecutive calendar days will not apply if an employee has elected to be on consecutive reserve duty by exercising his/her option under B8.08.

B8.16.06 The consecutive duty day period is considered to be broken if, during the period, the employee was not on call or duty of any kind for a period of twenty‑four (24) consecutive hours at Home Base as a result of inviolate or non‑inviolate day(s) off, leave of absence or vacation.  The twenty‑four (24) hour crew rest period does not break the six consecutive duty day period.  Once the Company advises the employee of a duty day off for the purpose of breaking a consecutive duty day period, the day off will not be changed due to subsequent changes to the employee’s itinerary.

B8.17 ALL NIGHT FLIGHT PAIRINGS:  A Reserve Blockholder will not be assigned to “all night flights”, as defined, on more than two (2) consecutive calendar days

Should assignment to a third consecutive “all night flight” be required, s/he must have had a minimum of twenty‑four (24) hours free from duty prior to the third flight.  Operation of any other flight following the second consecutive calendar day assignment has the effect of breaking the consecutive calendar day pattern.  Following two (2) consecutive all night flights, an employee may not be assigned to a flight which departs earlier than the first normally scheduled flight departure from his/her Base.

B8.17.01 The Company will make its reasonable best effort to advise Reserve Blockholders of the assignment to any known open all night flight pairing a minimum of eight (8) hours prior to departure. If an all night flight pairing becomes open within eight hours of departure, the standard award procedures continue to apply.


B8.18.01              A single duty-period pairing:

B8.18.01.01 With a minimum of four (4) hours that fall between 2200 and 0800 hours, regardless of start time; and

B8.18.01.02 During which an employee is on duty at least six (6) hours; and

B8.18.01.03 During which an employee has four (4) or more actual flying hours.

B8.18.01.04 NOTE: This definition applies to crew rest and flight assignment only.

B8.19              OVERSEAS ASSIGNMENT SEQUENCE:  An overseas assignment sequence may be established by mutual agreement between the Crew Resource Centre and Local President at each Base in accordance with seniority of Reserve Blockholders.

B8.19.01       New Reserve Blockholders awarded or assigned to a reserve block in a subsequent month will be placed in the sequence in accordance with seniority AFTER Reserve Blockholders in the sequence from the previous month.

B8.19.02       A Reserve Blockholder, once assigned an overseas flight will be placed at the end of the sequence.

B8.19.03       A Reserve Blockholder will lose his/her position once awarded or assigned to a regular block.

B8.20              AIRPORT STANDBY:  A Reserve Blockholder may be required to report to the airport to remain on standby for possible flight assignment.  The duty period, for limitation purposes, will begin at the required reporting time. If a flight is operated, the duty period will be applicable for pay purposes.

B8.20.01       Airport standby will be rotated among Reserve Blockholders to effect time balancing but will NOT be assigned to the same employee on more than two (2) consecutive days.

B8.20.02       An employee will not be required to report for airport standby more than twice in any block month, unless all other reserve at that Base, have in that month, been required to report for airport standby twice.

B8.20.03       Airport standby will be for a maximum of four (4) consecutive hours.  Assignment may be made to a flight departing within or after the four (4) hour period.  If no assignment is made s/he will be released for a legal rest.

B8.20.04       If s/he does not operate a flight, an employee shall receive a credit of one half (½) of the actual time involved in the duty period with a minimum credit of four (4) hours.  This credit will be applicable for both pay and limitations.

B8.21              AIRPORT STANDBY AFTER FLIGHT:  A Reserve Blockholder may, on arrival at Home Base after a flight, be required to remain on standby at the airport for a maximum of one (1) hour ONLY if his/her duty period on arrival is eight (8) hours or less.  S/he may be assigned to a flight departing within or after the one (1) hour period and if no assignment is made, s/he must be released for a legal rest.  The duty period, for pay and limitation purposes, will end at release time.


B8.22.01 Open flights not otherwise awarded will be assigned to Reserve Blockholders, subject to classification and language requirements as follows:

B8.22.01.01 Open flights will be assigned after the open flying award and then as they become open.

B8.22.01.02 All overseas and southern layover pairings may be assigned in accordance with the overseas assignment sequence (B8.19), if this provision is in effect.

B8.22.01.03 Subject to language requirements, open flights with the highest flying time will be assigned according to the following process.  A reserve availability list will be compiled for Call-in Reserves who will be assigned from that list for the next day in order of low time in accordance with Article B8.22.02.  Once the Call-in pool has been exhausted, the Company will comp
ile a second availability list of Ready reserves who will then be assigned in order of low time in accordance with Article B8.22.02.  All next day open flights will be assigned at the local call-in time and Call-in reserves will be released upon assignment, in accordance with Articles B8.27.03.01, B8., B8. and B8.

B8.22.01.04 A Pairing shall not be assigned when the effect of the assignment would be to overproject the employee and cause him to drop a preselected cycle.  In establishing the overprojection, Return to Base Extension B5.01.05 will be applied to the preselected cycle.

B8.22.02 The principle that non‑inviolate days off will not be flown Iinto applies except if the differential in accumulated flight time credits between two (2) or more employees is more than four (4) hours.  In such cases, the employee with the lower credits will be assigned the pairing even if s/he is planned to operate into the non‑inviolate days off.

B8.22.02.01 NOTE: Except in irregular operations and notwithstanding Articles B9.03.03 and B8.32, once an employee has been assigned a pairing which operates into the employee’s non-inviolate days off, the assignment will not be extended into any subsequent non-inviolate days off.

B8.23              PAIRINGS:  A combination of open flights and/or paired flights that can be operated in one duty period should be combined as a single pairing.

B8.24              HOURS OF CONTACT:  Between 2301 and 0800 hours, a Reserve Blockholder will NOT be contacted more than two hours and thirty minutes (2:30) (three hours at Mirabel) before flight departure or before the beginning of airport standby duty.

B8.25              MISCONNECTION:  Where an employee is required to report to cover a projected misconnection, s/he shall operate the flight if the full incoming crew is not actually onboard twenty (20) minutes prior to the forecast departure.  The “forecast departure” for the purpose of this Article is deemed as the forecast in effect (or current departure time) at the time of the incoming crew’s arrival at the aircraft.

B8.25.01       Notwithstanding the above, should contact be made with the incoming crew upon arrival (either initiated by the Crew Resource Centre or the crew), the outbound flight departure time at that moment will constitute the forecast of record and will be used to determine if the incoming crew will misconnect regardless of the actual subsequent departure time.  Where the incoming crew does not operate the flight, they must contact the Crew Resource Centre on arrival, and will be subject to Article B6.03 -Reassignment.

NOTE:       Where more than one crew merge to form an entire connecting crew, then each part of the connecting crew will be considered as a full incoming crew for the purpose of this Article.

B8.25.02       If, for whatever reason, neither crew (incoming or replacement) is on board twenty (20) minutes prior to departure, the first crew actually boarding the flight will operate.  In any situation, should arrival be simultaneous, the incoming crew (as opposed to the replacement crew), will operate the flight.

B8.25.03       An employee assigned to cover a projected misconnection must be legal in all respects to operate the flight.

B8.26              OPEN FLYING BID:  A Reserve Blockholder will be eligible to bid for open pairings in accordance with Article B7 subject to the following.

B8.26.01       Open flying bids will be accepted in written form only by the bidder or by proxy.  Bids to the Crew Resource Centre will not be accepted by telephone.

B8.26.02       S/he will be eligible to bid for known open flying prior to the start of each block month.

B8.26.03       The bid deadline each month will be 1000 hours the day prior to the start of each month.

B8.26.04       S/he will only be awarded one (1) open pairing at this award.  Such award will be based on seniority, language and classification.

B8.26.05       S/he will be eligible to bid and be awarded open pairings subsequently during the daily awards for any open pairing.

B8.26.06       The bid deadline each day will be 1000 hours for flights departing the next day.

B8.26.07       Any awarded open pairing must depart on the first day of a reserve duty day pattern.

B8.26.08       If the awarded pairing is on his/her non‑inviolate days off in accordance with B8.09, then the pairing must terminate at Home Base in time for legal crew rest prior to the start of his/her next scheduled reserve duty day.

NOTE:       The Crew Resource Centre may waive this restriction at their option and allow the award of an open pairing, even if it interferes with the start of the next scheduled reserve duty day.

B8.26.09       An open pairing once awarded to a Reserve Blockholder will not subsequently be changed except in the event of an irregular operation caused by cancellation, consolidation, substitution, misconnection, overprojection or illegality at Home Base.  The employee involved will revert to the reserve status s/he was scheduled to hold had s/he not been awarded the pairing.

B8.26.10       The Reserve Blockholder must be legal in all respects in order to be awarded an open flight.

B8.26.11       If an employee is drafted on a non‑inviolate day off prior to an awarded open flight and such draft interferes with the awarded open flight then the draft will take precedence and the awarded open flight will be dropped.

B8.26.12       S/he will not be pay protected under B10.01 nor will s/he be eligible to flight time credits under B7.06.  S/he will receive payment for the scheduled or actual flight time credits of the awarded pairing only if s/he operates that pairing.

B8.27              CALL‑IN RESERVE:

B8.27.01       Call‑in reserve will be required to contact the Crew Resource Centre the day prior to his/her next reserve duty day.  Such call‑in will be to determine what, if any, flight assignment has been awarded to him.

B8.27.02       At call‑in time, the Crew Scheduler will either assign a flight sequence, change the reserve cabin attendant’s status to “ready reserve” or release the reserve cabin attendant until next call‑in time.

B8.27.03       Management and the Local President will establish a mutually agreeable call‑in period at each Base.  Such call‑in period will, however, be established to most effectively meet operational requirements at the Base and will be subject to periodic review.  The call‑in time will be published each month in the block bid package.

B8.27.03.01 If an employee has been awarded a pairing which departs at 1200 hours or later, s/he will be released from reserve duty until the required report time. The assignment may subsequently be changed if the employee can be contacted prior to the report time or at report time.

B8.  &nbsp
;    If an employee has been awarded a pairing which departs prior to 1200 hours, s/he will be released from reserve duty for the remainder of the day on which s/he made his/her call in.

B8.       S/he may, however, be required to resume reserve duty status at 0001 of the day his/her assignment is scheduled to depart.  The Crew Scheduler will advise him at call‑in if s/he is to be released until report time or if s/he is to resume reserve duty at 0001 the day his/her assignment is due to depart.

B8.       The assignment may subsequently be changed if the employee is contacted prior to 0001 or after 0001 while on reserve duty status subject to the limitations of B8.24.

B8.27.03.03 When an employee checks in with the Crew Resource Centre following the completion of an assigned pairing, s/he may be awarded another assignment at that time.  If such assignment departs at 1200 hours or later the next day, s/he will be released from reserve duty until the required report time of the assigned pairing.

If s/he is not assigned a flight at that time, s/he will be required to contact the Crew Resource Centre upon completion of his/her crew rest or at his/her option at the normal call‑in time during his/her crew rest.


B8.28.01       An employee may be pre‑assigned a pairing which was not awarded during the open flying award.  At the employee’s option s/he may accept or reject a pre‑assignment.  Once awarded a pre‑assignment pairing, such assignment will not normally be changed.

NOTE:       The pre‑assignment must take place at least five (5) days prior to the departure of the pre‑assigned pairing.  The refusal of a pre‑assigned pairing does not preclude the assignment of the same pairing as part of a regular reserve award to the same employee.

B8.28.02       If an employee is on call‑in reserve during the period in which s/he has been pre‑assigned a pairing, s/he will not be required to call in on the day prior to the departure of the pre‑assigned pairing.

B8.28.03       If an employee is on ready reserve during the period in which s/he has been pre‑assigned a pairing, s/he will be required to remain on call as though s/he had not been pre‑assigned except that s/he may be released in accordance with B8.30.

B8.29            Conversion: Call in reserve may be required to convert to ready reserve at call-in time or at any other time if contacted. Such conversion is to avoid excessive drafting or operational disruption. The Company will ensure that no more than 25 per cent of call-in reserves at Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver bases will be converted to ready reserve calculated on a monthly basis.  The Company will ensure that no more than 25 per cent of call-in reserve at Halifax, Winnipeg, Edmonton and Calgary will be converted to ready reserve calculated on a quarterly basis.  The Company will monitor this on a daily basis and will provide this monitoring to the Union upon request.

The Company and the Union will meet on a quarterly basis to determine whether an excessive number of call-in reserve have been converted to ready reserve.

B8.30          READY RESERVE:

B8.30.01       An employee on ready reserve will be on call at all times during his/her scheduled reserve duty days except during legal crew rest periods.

B8.30.02       An employee on ready reserve who has not been awarded an assignment will, on request, be granted a six (6) hour release for personal reasons if it is operationally practicable.

B8.30.03       Once assigned to a pairing, s/he may also be released until the required report time if it is operationally practicable to do so.

B8.30.04       Once an employee on ready reserve has been assigned a pairing, that employee shall not be required to contact the Crew Resource Centre upon completion of that assigned pairing.

B8.31              CHANGE OF ASSIGNMENT:  An employee who has been assigned an open flight (B8.26) or who has been pre‑assigned to an open flight (B8.28) may have such assignment altered in the event of an irregu­lar operation caused by cancellation, consolidation, substitution, misconnection, overprojection or illegality at Home Base.  Such change in assignment will normally be made at report time and the employee will be required to operate any other assignment for which s/he is legal.

       NOTE:       If an employee has been awarded an open flight on his/her non‑ inviolate days off (B8.09) s/he will have the option to not accept a move‑up or reassignment on his/her days off.

B8.32              AIRPORT MOVE‑UP:  If insufficient notice makes the draft process in Article B9.03 impractical, flight coverage will be provided through the move‑up of total or partial crews in reverse order of senior­ity.  The move‑up will be done in a manner which minimizes the disruption to subsequent crews, and will occur in the following sequence:

I              Crews from ANOTHER base to HOME BASE ONLY on scheduled duty days ONLY.

II              Crews at their Home Base on scheduled duty days.

III Crews at their Home Base INTO scheduled days off.

B8.33            DRAFT PREMIUM

B8.33.01            An employee is eligible for draft premium in accordance with Article 5.07.06 only if the pairing for which s/he is drafted starts during a non-inviolate day off.  

B8.33.02            A premium of 50% will be paid in accordance with B9.07

B8.33.03 Draft premium will not apply on any day other than a non‑inviolate day off.

B8.33.04 An employee is not eligible to be drafted on an inviolate day off.

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