This is a reminder to all active members about the importance of simultaneously filing a Work-Related Claim and a WIP Claim. If your disability arose out of, or in the course of your employment, you MUST apply for Workers’ Compensation (CNESST in Quebec). However, you MUST also apply for Weekly Indemnity benefits (WIP) in the interim to ensure that there are not any unnecessary delays.
To create a seamless process, we strongly recommend that you fill out the Wage Indemnity (WIP) Claimants’ Statement along with either the WIP applications Attending Physician Statement (APS) or the initial Workers Compensation Attending Physician Statement (APS) and submit the completed APS to Manion. Additionally, and to avoid duplicate medical report costs, please ensure to provide Manion with copies of all detailed medical records going forward that you send to Workers’ Compensation/CNESST. This will avoid out-of-pocket medical report costs to you and Manion will continue to adjudicate your claim in the event that your WSIB/CNESST claim is denied. This will be an important step in establishing/determining your ongoing eligibility for WIP benefits.
As a reminder, Work Related claims (WSIB claims) may also be entitled to a Top-Up should the WIP benefit rate be higher, however as noted above the claim needs to be registered with Manion.
NOTE: If a member contracts COVID-19 due to onboard contact or becomes ill while on removal during the 14 days elimination period please ensure to inform the Union and to apply for Workers’ Compensation/CNESST as well as your initial WIP application.
The following is a link to a WSIB Committee Bulletin which was sent previously. It has valuable contact information in the event that you need to file a claim:
In addition, please see the following link which will take you to our most recent WIP bulletin. It contains valuable information which you will want to have handy: