days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

ART, RBP – SPLOAs – PLOAs and Globe

I felt that it was time to give you an update on the issues we have been working on in recent weeks.  It has been a busy time, but we will continue to work hard to stay abreast of new developments and to act quickly.  As always, our short and long term goal is to …

ART, RBP – SPLOAs – PLOAs and Globe

I felt that it was time to give you an update on the issues we have been working on in recent weeks.  It has been a busy time, but we will continue to work hard to stay abreast of new developments and to act quickly.  As always, our short and long term goal is to …

To Yammer Or Not To Yammer

It was recently announced by the Company that our Rouge members now have access to Yammer. We welcome any opportunity for our membership to integrate and share their experiences. However, we feel that now is a good opportunity to provide some advice specific to social media use. Yammer, like Facebook and other social media platforms, …

CHQ-17-48 – 737MAX Workbook

We are pleased to announce that CHQ-17-48 (Click HERE to view) was successfully resolved at arbitration.  Arbitrator Eli Gedalof provided a consent award which provided for the payment of previously submitted eClaims for completion of the workbooks for B737 Max training. All members who submitted an eClaim will be receiving two or three hours of …

Bargaining Committee Update #2

Your executive board (Wesley Lesosky, Theresa Mitchell, Alex Habib, Guillaume Leduc, Denis Montpetit, Carolyn Bugnon, Kim Wentzell, and Robyn Jenkins) along with the CUPE National Staff Rep Kevin Tyrrell, met with Air Canada today to start the discussions on the upcoming bargaining and reopener. It was an open dialogue with key members from Air Canada …