days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

B1 Arbitration

The hearing for grievance CHQ-15-07 (B1 grievance) is scheduled to take place on Friday June 16, 2017 at 10 AM.

It is currently scheduled to take place at Atchison and Denman, 155 University Ave, Toronto, 8th floor however, the location may change, as described below.

Please Note:

The issue being determined on Friday, June 16, 2017 is the request for intervention made by Joseph Dennie on behalf of the association of Air Canada retirees called “Air Canada – Save Our Seniority”.

Arbitrator Steinberg has directed that the request for intervenor status be determined first, on Friday.

Therefore, no evidence will be called, and accordingly, there will be no union witnesses presenting.  In other words, this is merely a procedural hearing.

Additionally, for clarity, the hearing may not take place at Atchison and Denman. We have no more information to impart on this fact at this time.

The Parties are in the process of scheduling future dates.  November 10, 2017 is confirmed, and approximately four additional dates are in the process of being scheduled.

The union recommends that the members wait until the later dates to attend this arbitration.

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