B737 Max Grounding Wet Leases

As you are likely aware, Air Canada has announced in a recent Globe Bulletin (Click “HERE” to view) that there are changes to the schedule and Air Canada has made a decision to utilize Wet Leases.  Our primary objective in all that we do is to ensure that the interests of our members are protected, and their rights are respected.
The Collective Agreement has language relating to Wet leases. This language was negotiated in our last round of Collective Bargaining. It states:
2.02 – SCOPE
2.02.01 – All present and future Cabin Personnel positions on all flights operated by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge carrying the Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge IATA codes, operated by the Pilots on the Pilot Seniority list of Air Canada, will be occupied and operated by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel, as applicable, in accordance with the terms and conditions of this agreement, as it and the ancillary agreements to it apply to those operations, respectively. Such flights operated by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge will include, without limitation: all revenue, non-revenue, scheduled, unscheduled, passenger, ferry, charter, scheduled charter, sports charter, and publicity flights. 
2.02.02 – The provisions of 2.02.01 do not apply to: i. Charity flights (non-revenue) crewed by Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge Cabin Personnel on a voluntary basis (e.g. Dreams Take Flight). ii. Flights with no regulatory requirement for Cabin Personnel. iii. Wet leases, codesharing arrangements, and work undertaken by connector or alliance airlines whether or not under common control or direction of Air Canada or Air Canada Rouge.
Air Canada will be adding 2-3 Special Assignment brand ambassadors on these wet lease flights. Currently, a single OBSM is present on the Air Transat wet lease. Although we would like this to be a bid position, the special assignment role will ensure our members are working on these aircrafts representing our standards on some of our premium routes.
Given the unique nature of these circumstances we are continuing to monitor all things closely.  This is to ensure that there are no negative affects on the membership.  One thing that we are certain of is that we do not want the B737 MAX returned to the fleet until it is completely safe to do so.  We will keep you updated of any new developments. If you have any questions or concerns, we encourage you to reach out to us via the following link:
Contacting the Union
In solidarity,

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