days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Bargaining 2025 Roadshows

The Survey has now closed, and we have collected responses from 58.8% of the membership. These are higher than average results for similar surveys and based on the numbers alone, this is showing solid engagement.

What are the next steps?

As we previously advised, the survey is only one of the consultations we will be having with members in the coming months.

There are also road shows planned:

– YVR – July 8, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h PT (Sheraton Wall Center) in attendance will be Carolyn Bugnon, Local 4094 – YVR Base President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Wesley Lesosky, Air Canada Component President.

– YUL – July 16, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Marriott Airport Hotel In Terminal) in attendance will be Natasha Stea, Local 4091 – YUL Base President, Craig Smith, Local 4098 – Rouge Vice President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Guillaume Leduc, Air Canada Component Secretary Treasurer.

– YYZ – July 23, 2024 from 10:00h to 13:00h ET (Sheraton Gateway Hotel – O’Hare Room, YYZ Airport, Terminal 3) *New Location* in attendance will be Denis Montpetit, Local 4092 – YYZ Base President, Craig Smith, Local 4098 – Rouge Vice President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Theresa Mitchell, Air Canada Component Vice President.

– YYC – July 30, 2024 from 10:00h to 12:00h MT (YYC Airport Silver Dart Meeting Room) in attendance will be Tyler McBain, Local 4095 – YYC Base President, Kevin Tyrrell, CUPE National Representative, Wesley Lesosky, Air Canada Component President.

These road shows can be attended by any member, from any base and these meetings will be done in person, with your Local Base Presidents, the CUPE National Rep and a Component Officer from that base. We want to be able to have an engaged discussion where everyone feels heard and can seek clarity as needed. This will be more like a Local General Membership Meeting, fully focused on the bargaining process, an overview of what we have identified through the bargaining survey along with presentations on the bargaining process, Unpaid Work Wont Fly campaign, ACCEX Strategic planning going into bargaining and Strike and Lock out education. There will be no zoom participation for the above meetings as we want to encourage open frank discussion after the presentation and we do not want members to be discouraged from honest dialogue and the fear that some may record and share with others.

Following the above roadshows, the Union will also be doing an information session by Zoom to go over what was shared at the Roadshows, along with a recap of additional comments and questions from the meetings from the membership. The meeting will be held in August 2024, more info to come with times and registration. Registration for this event will be open to all members system wide.

We have committed to open communication and will continue that commitment with our regular Zoom Webinars while the board meets quarterly, where members can continue to ask general questions, seek guidance or get clarity on what the Union is currently working on. We will also be sending out bargaining updates through bulletins, further bargaining specific Zoom meetings, and in person meet and greets.

We would also like to acknowledge that the survey had some hurdles, with over 10,000 members there were some challenges, as we all know and as many are aware, the Union worked around the clock to ensure we could assist as many people as possible to get them onto the platform, resend links, and assist them in searching their emails for the survey. We also realized clarity should have been given that the link was for one survey, and should not have been shared, this too created some delays in resetting surveys and getting members a new survey to fill out. Moving forward, we do not anticipate the same thing happening, and prior to the next survey, we will ensure we test with a smaller group. We can not stress enough, your feedback is what will guide us, your Union has a vested interest in you, we are one of you, and our commitment from the onset is that we would represent your interests at the table.

Remember, we are all Cabin Crew under the Air Canada umbrella, we will keep the communication fluent as we work through the process, and we are always open to any comments, suggestions and feedback. You can always reply to any of these emails, and your Component Officers will receive the email and respond accordingly.

Solidarity starts with each of us embracing this journey. Get your Union pin on, wear it with pride, and let’s get ready for when we hit the table in 2025!

In solidarity,

Your Bargaining Committee

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