Your Bargaining Committee met this week to continue preparing for bargaining, and also discussed the possibility of an acquisition of Air Transat. On Tuesday of this week our legal counsel provided a letter to the company requesting for bargaining to commence the week of July 8th, 2019 to allow for the 30-day Exclusivity Agreement with Air Transat to pass. It is important to delay our first meeting to allow for further details about a potential acquisition to come to light.
It is our position that this request provides mutual benefit to the parties and will ensure greater transparency and allow for full disclosure on any future plans as they may relate to our members. Your CUPE Bargaining Committee is committed to progressing in a strategic and thoughtful manner. We believe that this is an appropriate time to proceed with caution and make every effort that we have all pertinent information available to us in order to achieve the best outcome for our members in this reopener.
In solidarity,
CHQ-rouge-18-48 (Reduction in Health Benefits) Update
In July 2018, Air Canada unilaterally reduced benefits for Rouge cabin personnel by (1) reducing the annual limit for certain benefits and (2) increasing the