Your Air Canada Component Executive (ACCEX) met with the employer on May 18 and 19, 2022 to commence discussions regarding the second re-opener in our current 10 year Collective Agreement. This meeting was required as your Union served notice to bargain on March 31, 2022. We have had members reach out asking why we would engage in the second re-opener process prior to the award being given for the first re-opener.
We have advised the employer that we will not be presenting any proposals until we have had the opportunity to review the award. This process will include, informing the membership of the award and then receiving direction from the membership via a survey and membership feedback. The discussions taking place now are preliminary in nature. The Company and Union reviewed housekeeping items, which are generally “Collective Agreement clean up” items. This process includes correcting spelling errors and reviewing possible obsolete language. In our ongoing efforts to create an inclusive environment we will also commence the process of having gender neutral pronouns in the Collective Agreement.
The Union’s goal in this reopener has evolved with your feedback. We will be updating you on proposals, discussions and what happens at the bargaining “table”. Our intent is to engage you all, so as to ensure that the membership is with us and fully informed throughout this process.
We encourage you to ask questions and to be engaged in this process. Our collective strengths will guide us through this round of bargaining and be an excellent primer for the next full round of bargaining in 2025, which will be a crucial part of making sorely needed gains.
In solidarity,