days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Base Transfers at Rouge

Your union has heard from members at Air Canada Rouge expressing concerns about being denied base transfers during their probationary period. The union sees this as a seniority violation as the company is continuously hiring to both bases at Air Canada Rouge, so we have filed a Policy Grievance, click HERE to view.

Our Air Canada Rouge members do not have language like we do at Air Canada Mainline that clearly defines the policy on base transfers. We have maintained Seniority must remain the guiding principle. The Company should not be hiring off the street to fill roles in a base where we have a list of members wanting to go to, and have already moved away from home to start their career at Rouge.

The Company is clearly struggling to maintain Bilingual candidates at their YTO – Toronto base, and the Union has been clear that the entry level wage at Air Canada Rouge is a large part of the problem, and one we are continually willing to meet to discuss.

Please reach out to your local if you have requested a base transfer and been denied.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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