days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-17-95 – Call in Reserve Conversion

SUBJECT: Call-In Reserve Conversion
DEPARTMENT:  Mr. Michael McCrory, Director, Air Canada Labour Relations – IFS
The Union claims that Air Canada violated the Collective Agreement. Specifically, Air Canada violated article B8.29 by failing to ensure that no more than 25% of call-in reserves are converted to ready reserve calculated on a monthly basis at Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver bases.  Air Canada has also failed to ensure that no more than 25% of call-in reserves in Calgary are converted to ready reserve calculated on a quarterly basis.
We submit this grievance under Article 3, 13, B8.29, Arbitrator Kaplan’s award dated December 10th, 2010, and any other relevant legislation, act, or statute.

  1. Air Canada abide by the Collective Agreement;
  2. Ensure that no more than 25% of call-in reserves would be converted to ready reserve calculated on a monthly basis at Toronto, Montreal and Vancouver bases;
  3. Ensure that no more than 25% of call-in reserves would be converted to ready reserve calculated on a quarterly basis in Calgary;
  4. Cease and desist violations of B.8.29;
  5. Pay one vacation day to each affected employee per each violation/illegal conversion;
  6. Make all affected employees whole;
  7. Pay damages to the Union and/or employees deemed appropriate by the Arbitrator;
  8. Any other remedy deemed appropriate by the Arbitrator.

We request a hearing within the contractual time limits and that the Company provide all documentation relied upon in this matter.
Name of Union Officer Originating Grievance: Marie-Hélène Major, President, Air Canada Component of CUPE
Date: December 12, 2017

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