days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-22-79 – Special Authorization Process for the Submission of Prescription Claims

The Union has filed a policy grievance (click HERE to view) on the Company’s imposition of the Special Authorization process for members who were submitting prescription claims through Claim Secure.  We believe this process creates a burden on the membership.  Members find themselves in a difficult position when they go to their pharmacy and are told the drug they require is not covered. This is a drug that was prescribed by their personal physician and is deemed to be required for their specific condition. After they are aware of this denial, members must then secure a second appointment with their physician to have them fill out the special authorization form.  They must pay out of pocket again for this paperwork to be completed.  Following this laborious process, they are advised that their claim is denied a second time. In our view this is not acceptable and is not aligned with the Collective Agreement language is Article 22 which states:

22.02 SUPPLEMENTAL HEALTH INSURANCE PLAN II: The Company will pay 100% of the Air Canada Supplementary Health Insurance Plan II.

We are looking for examples and scenarios to support our grievance and have created a survey to collect the information. Please CLICK HERE to access the survey:

We hope to hear from you and truly appreciate your assistance with this very important matter. Your participation and attention to this can go a long way to help us remedy the situation and ensure that the Collective Agreement language is respected.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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