days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

CHQ-rouge-22-06 – Excessive Drafting

The Union has filed grievance CHQ-rouge-22-06 – Excessive Drafting. Click HERE to view the grievance form.

This grievance is based on the last several weeks where we have seen the company drafting to proportions we have not seen in Rouge’s history. We have seen 245 drafts from January 1 to January 11, 2022. This is extremely excessive when we have 358 members currently working at Rouge.

We have tried showing the employer that this is taking a toll on their employees. We know the current reality at Rouge is not sustainable for our members. We were hopeful that the employer would adjust their staffing levels, but they have not. They suggested drafting would reduce after the holidays, but that has not proven to be true. We have heard your concerns about being overworked during a time when there are health and safety concerns regarding COVID exposure. We have heard from those who have worked nearly two weeks consecutively. Again, this is not sustainable and is creating fatigue and burn out for our members.

We hope the company takes our grievance seriously and that they cease and desist this excessive drafting practice.

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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