Climate Change

Since 16-year-old Swedish activist Greta Thunberg travelled across the Atlantic Ocean in a zero-emission sailboat to attend the United Nations climate summit in New York, youth around the world have rallied against climate change. Climate change has developed from a topic of conversation into an urgent call for action. Globally, and here in Canada, our youth are demanding that world leaders make the necessary changes to ensure that they will have a safe planet to inherit and care for once they become adults.

On September 27, 2019, climate strikes will be hosted all over the world, including here at home. Greta Thunberg will be attending the strike in Montreal, which is starting at 12 noon. If you are in Montreal we encourage you to participate in this global event. The meeting point is at Parc Mont-Royal in front of the George-Étienne Cartier Statue.  CUPE Quebec flags will be distributed near the Statue.  Four major Montreal school boards, as well as several colleges and universities, are closing to support the students. Globally, students are calling for schools to show their commitment with closures. The purpose of the climate change protest is to call on governments to take concrete action to combat climate change.

What can we do? The call to mobilize against climate change unites everyone all over the world. Find out more at the official event page for the Global Climate Strike at The site provides background information, shows you how to register, and can help you find a march taking place near you. There is also important guidance on how to protest peacefully and safely. This movement benefits us all.

On recommendations include everything from being energy efficient, which helps save money personally (turning off lights and unplugging devices), to getting out to vote for policy makers that can institute legislation that combats climate change, to tips on recycling. On you will find more ideas on things we can personally improve on like the suggestions contained in “Eat for a Climate Stable Planet,” and making certain investments. Common themes in the movement are supporting global education on how climate change affects us, and how we can help with small changes in our own lives.

We work for an employer with a large carbon footprint. We believe that the company has a responsibility to do all it can to be environmentally responsible, just like any other corporation. Our members are best suited to see ways in which we can do better for our planet, including helping Air Canada to be more responsible. Some suggestions are as simple as using paper straws and doing away with unnecessary plastic waste.

We want to hear from you! Please write to us at with your ideas and we will bring them to the employer on your behalf.

We represent a global airline and we are global travellers. We are uniquely aware of what the world looks like, and the different ways in which we are all connected. Regardless of our politics or beliefs, we can stand together to protect our planet and safeguard all the amazing natural wonders it has to offer. Let’s commit to spreading the word in our communities, schools, and among friends! Climate change is unique in that it affects everyone everywhere and we can all take action. All 7 billion of us.

In Solidarity,

Nicola Schnell
Chair, Mobilization and Engagement Committee

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