days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coming Soon “The Weekly Dispatch”

We imagine that some of you are aware that we have relaunched our mobile app. We encourage you to download the app as it is often the quickest way to receive important information especially as we move closer to bargaining in 2025.  Our unity in big and small ways, will move mountains.

See below for links in the app store:

For some who may not know, we send out bulletins regularly and you can receive them via personal email. If you have not yet subscribed, please write to us at

As a part of our communications strategy, we are going to be sending out a weekly information piece. It is designed to be short and informative.  In your busy lives we understand that you may not have a lot of time.  We will send this information in digestible chunks as it may serve you in the future should you need it.  If you have any ideas of what you might like to see in our Weekly Dispatch series, please let us know. There may very well be something important that you have learned from experience that will benefit all members. We look forward to hearing from you. Send us an email to and we will incorporate your ideas.

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