days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Component Mobile App

We want to remind those of you who have not had the opportunity to download our handy Mobile app of the links that you will need to do so.  We hope that you find it to be user friendly and your one stop shop for all things Union.  It is your tool to have the Collective Agreement, Reserve Rules, Maternity Program, Union Contacts, and so much more right at your fingertips.

You can download the app here:

IOS (Apple) download
Android download

Your login information for our new mobile app is the same as your login for the Air Canada Component website,  If you have not signed into the website since we updated it in 2019 you will need a password, which can be obtained by clicking on the “Forgot Your Password” link at the bottom of the website’s sign in section. If you have not received your password reset in 24 hours check your junk email folder. Please do not submit multiple requests in the 24 hour time frame.

Also, follow us on Instagram @aircanadacomponent and stay tuned for the launch of our first ever Air Canada Component of CUPE podcasts!

In solidarity,

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