Component Secretary-Treasurer’s Report – August 2019

As your Component Secretary-Treasurer I wanted to report on the finances and speak about the recent budget that was passed by your Air Canada Component Executive (ACCEX) at a meeting last week at our Belfield Office.

Budget 2019-2020
We have passed the 2019-2020 Component Budget based on our projected dues revenues and our previous year surplus.  The Component budget year is July 1, 2019 to June 30, 2020.  During this period our Union will have many expenditures that are not a yearly cost.  We have allocated funds specifically for bargaining and have also set aside funds for capital improvements to our Component offices on Belfield Road. We are hoping that with these repairs and improvements we will be able to utilize our offices for more arbitration hearings and meetings instead of renting third party space.

We also approved two motions giving our Locals more direct funding. The first motion will continue to provide all Locals with $3,250.00 per month on top of the $8.00 per member to run their Locals.  In the past, Locals with more than 2,000 members would have their base rate reduced to $600.00 per month.  This motion will provide additional funding to Local 4092 and Local 4094.  ACCEX also approved a single motion that will provide Local 4091 with an additional half-time release for a Local VP as the Montreal base has grown significantly in recent years and they also assist with CNESST claims for members who live in Quebec.

IT Service Upgrades
We are in the process of moving forward with a new IT Provider. The current provider has been with us for many years, but we unfortunately have had ongoing server issues.

Highest Earner Top-Up
As mentioned in my last report, I will be providing information regarding the highest earner in the bargaining unit each month. Please see the table below for the past four months:

Block Month Highest Earner
Mar 2019 $10,176.00
Apr 2019 $10,278.00
May 2019 $9,873.33
Jun 2019 $9,478.67

Component Trustees and Audits
We currently have our external auditors on site completing the formal accounting audit on multiple sets of books. Once the first year is completed the Component Trustees will be able to come in and conduct their audit. We hope to have all of our books up to date and audited by the end of this term.

Financial Report – 2018-2019
During the past fiscal year, July 1, 2018 to June 30, 2019, we brought in $5,929,337 in union dues.  From that amount we paid the Locals, $1,025,016, and paid $1,796,089 to CUPE National. We spent $2,017,167 on Committees and direct member to Union contact (grievances, lawyers, Health & Safety, etc.) at the Component Level.

Wishing everyone an enjoyable Summer!

In solidarity,

Alex Habib
Component Secretary-Treasurer

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