As we approach the New Year, we want to reach out to all of our members and say a warm and resounding thank you. We have been inundated at the Component and Local levels in regards to the recent challenges you have been experiencing online. Mainline and Rouge colleagues at work over the holiday period have had many challenges. Predominately the issues have been with hotels, transportation and attempts at contacting crew scheduling.
In order for the Union to address the countless issues being reported, please reach out within a reasonable time frame so we can deal with the Company in an expedited manner.
When reporting issues to the Union, please ensure you include pairing details, dates, times, and name.
For any hotel and transportation issues you experienced, please submit a Crew Care report. It is crucial that these be reported so that the Union can identify the issues and have them addressed.
We understand and appreciate the nature of our industry and how our members are the ones who are the main contact with all passengers. They make a huge difference especially during times of operational disruption. It is through reporting that we can initiate change and ensure that the Company is doing all that they can to provide rest and support for those who are at work. Your time is valuable and with your help we will do all we can to ensure it is valued.
Hotel and Transportation Reporting:
For Mainline Crews: On Globe under “Tools and References” you will find the tab “Crew Scheduling and Planning” once you click on this link, you will select “CrewCare”.
For Rouge Crews: ACaeronet – click “Rouge” tab – under In-Flight Service – Manuals-Forms – CrewCare
In solidarity,