days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 18

We want to start this bulletin by saying “THANK YOU”.  Thank you for remaining professional even though we have had nothing but mixed messaging from the Federal Government, Provincial Governments, and the Company.

To give everyone the impression that it is business as usual, and then go one step further and state in a message to crews:

“Following discussions with government authorities, we can confirm these conditions do not apply to you as operating, deadheading or commuting cabin crew.”

This is alarming.  Are we superhuman?  Are we not equal to those we serve in regard to being able to come to work and expect a healthy and safe environment?  Are we not susceptible to a virus that by all reports is running rampant?  Why are we having to be stuck in customs dealing with the “I thought I was exempt?”

Furthermore, it goes on to say:

“You’re exempted given you’re well trained and prepared to protect yourselves, spend less times in the countries being visited, and have access to and use protective measures on board including hand sanitizers, masks and gloves when and as appropriate.”

We respectfully disagree. We are not trained for a pandemic of this magnitude.  We are fully trained in first aid, safety and security measures, and our day to day duties. Those things we do, and fully excel at.  We do not have the correct masks that assist in this scenario.  Hand sanitizer is not a cure for regular handwashing when we don’t have running water.  How was an exemption given when this line is not factual?  We have crew centres that are out of gloves, masks, and hand sanitizer. It is incomprehensible how we are left to our own devices and are going to have to make the best of this situation.  We are tired of having to make the best of a situation.  In these unprecedented circumstances we believe that this approach is irresponsible.

This is messaging that goes to far, it is quite frankly a slap in the face at this time.  We need to be equipped to do our job. We need to have proper provisions of supplies.  We need running water on ALL flights, domestic or international and more importantly we need managers in crew centres hourly to address our concerns in an immediate fashion.  Where are the Company representatives when we are told that we are all in this together? Unfortunately it does not feel that way.

This is a pandemic, this is not a regular occurrence, this is happening NOW. We are the front line workers of this airline, we are proud employees of Air Canada and Air Canada Rouge. We want action and we want answers.

We will continue to lobby the Government, demand meetings and move forward with the facts.

In solidarity,

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