Coronavirus Update 32

Please find below the most recent details about upcoming service changes as issued by the company today. In particular, we wish to draw your attention to the procedures for jackets which includes a self-serve option for customers as well as a decision by the company not to proceed with a beverage service on flights over 4 hours or an AC Bistro product at this time.

Here are additional details and adjustments to the December 10 products and service enhancements:

• Second bar service on flights more than four hours on hold; continue to offer beverages ‘on demand’ as per our current specifications;
• Jacket/coat service will be ‘on demand’ and left to your discretion as to whether you wish to assist the customer;
• Noise-cancelling headset availability will continue, and headsets are to be picked up in conjunction with regular garbage pickup prior to landing;
• Monty’s snack offering continues as it replaces the cold snack on inbound Europe flights;
• Hot casserole offering continues and please note all loading of casseroles should be done in the galley prior to any meal service;
• Skyriders program offering continues in conjunction with the CleanCare+ kits.

Throughout the pandemic the Union has tried to impress the importance of reporting perceived safety hazards using the health and safety complaint avenue. These announced changes are a prime example of how powerful the dialogue between the workers and the company can be, and the change it can bring. We diligently represent you, as provided by law, however as individual members we must never forget our important right and duty to report ourselves the potential hazards we notice in the course of our work. WE are the Union and WE are the employees.

On that note, many of our members have informed the Union of a personal confirmed case of COVID-19 and have expressed strong comments and suggestions us. It may come as a surprise to know that your health and safety representatives are either unaware or unable to act on the majority of these since they technically do not exist unless they are reported and logged through the proper channels. Although the company must act on any report of work-related illness or injury, in a large organization formal reporting is extremely important.

If you have or have had COVID-19, believe it to be work-related, and did not submit a work-related illness/injury e-report or ACF32-8 paper form or reported your illness verbally, it is almost certain that your experience is NOT part of the statistics driving change. Further to this, your concerns and comments are not being investigated at the committees that are driving change and keeping the workplace safe. Please do your part and report. Remember that confidentiality and privacy are paramount to the company and Union when it comes to reporting. Information is only shared within the committee and management on an absolute need-to-know basis.

If you have concerns or difficulties about filing a health and safety complaint or work-related injury/illness e-report, please reach out to your union local or reply to this email. We are here to help and support you.

In Solidarity,

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