days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 37

Vaccination campaigns are set to open to the masses across the country, and the company is launching its clinics in Montreal and Toronto over the next couple of weeks. The Union encourages its members to make an informed choice, and to understand their rights when it comes to time off to get the jab.

COVID-19 vaccine webinar:
For those who might be undecided, we wish to share a recording from a recent webinar hosted by PreventionLink, an Ontario-based safety organization, and presented by Andréane Chénier, one of CUPE National’s health and safety servicing reps. She holds a masters in immunology, a doctorate in biomolecular sciences and previously worked in the field of HIV, cancer and immunology research.

The webinar provides a full overview of viruses, the immune system and how vaccines work. It also addresses some of the most common questions and concerns specifically related to COVID-19 vaccines.

NOTE: The webinar was recorded last month, and viewers will notice that information related to the AstraZeneca and Janssen vaccines and the very rare vaccine-induced immune thrombotic thrombocytopenia (VITT) is slightly out of date.

The webinar can be accessed HERE.

CUPE COVID-19 vaccine fact sheet:
CUPE’s COVID-19 vaccination fact sheet is also a good source of information and can be accessed HERE.

Leave to get the COVID-19 vaccine:
Employees in federally regulated workplaces can take personal leave, provided under Part III of the Canada Labour Code (the Code), in order to get vaccinated. The Code provides that employee is entitled to and shall be granted 5 days of personal leave, in a calendar year, in order to:

  • treat an injury or illness;
  • take care of health obligations for any member of your family or care for them;
  • take care of obligations related to the education of any family member under age 18;
  • manage any urgent situation that concerns you or a family member; and
  • attend your citizenship ceremony under the Citizenship Act.

The vaccination appointment would fall undertaking care of health obligations for themselves and/or managing urgent situation concerning themselves – as noted above.

Please note that an employee who has completed three consecutive months of continuous employment with the employer is entitled to the first three days of personal leave with pay at employee’s regular rate of wages for their normal hours of work.

Information on how to access this leave can be found by visiting:

HRConnex > Forms & Reference Documents > HR Policies and Programs > HR Policy – Personal Leaves

In Solidarity,

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