days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coronavirus Update 6

Dear members of both Mainline and Rouge,

The Company has advised the Union that the United States has imposed entry restrictions on operating cabin crew who have visited mainland China in the past 14 days.  Israel and Jamaica have also imposed this requirement.

·       This applies whether you visited mainland china for work duties OR personal travel.
·       It concerns the 14 days immediately preceding the time of requested entry.
·       Mainland China does NOT include Hong Kong or Macau.

As per the Company communication issued to Mainline and Rouge members, Crew scheduling will be calling those affected the day prior to their flights in order to ensure they meet entry requirements. Pay protection will apply if changes are required to your schedule, which may include reassignment.

·       If you have travelled to mainland china for personal reasons in the last 14 days, it is strongly advised that you should call crew scheduling to advise them as soon as possible.

·       As the Company noted, this new policy may pose significant difficulties for some of our commuting crew members. You may contact your base management and also the Union for support or if you have questions.

The Union is in constant communication with the Company regarding this issue. We cannot stress the importance of communicating your concerns, questions and frustrations directly to the Union, but also filing a Health & Safety complaint with the Company when appropriate (ACAeronet>safety>submit a report/SIMS at mainline or in AQD at Rouge). This is very important as it enters the concern into the Company’s Health & Safety database and stats used by both management and your Health & Safety Committees.

To contact us:

For regular questions. You will be contacted the next business day:

For matters which cannot wait until normal office hours:

For emergencies only, including arrest, major illness/injury, drug tests, denied work refusals etc. please contact the emergency line:

In Solidarity,

Wesley Lesosky
President, Air Canada Component of CUPE

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