days until our Collective Agreement expires, we are preparing, we are united and we will make change.

Coverage of IUDs

The coverage of IUDs was introduced to our benefits plan in January of 2019.

In order to request reimbursement for an IUD, it must be purchased at point of sale prior to submitting a claim.

For clarity, claims for IUDs are NOT processed as prescription drugs. You must pay for the IUD and then submit a claim.  Remember to include the receipt as proof of purchase.

As with all medical appliance purchases, it is strongly suggested that a pre-determination form is submitted in order to verify how much you will be reimbursed for the make and model of the appliance you wish to purchase.

For Rouge members, IUDs are claimed as a prescription drug.  To confirm coverage of an IUD,  provide the DIN (drug identification number). The DIN can be obtained from your physician, pharmacist or the official drug receipt.

In Solidarity,

Your Component Benefits Committee

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